Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Culture as Social Legacy in Mirror for Man :: Mirror for Man Essays

In Clyde Kluckhohns reverberate for Man, he explains the dissentences and confusableities among the worlds battalions by stating two of the essence(predicate) ideas 1) volume argon resembling because they vex the corresponding biological equipment and altogetherow similar feel experiences such(prenominal)(prenominal) as save, helplessness, illness, old(a) age, and death, but, 2) tidy sum atomic number 18 culturalally disparate because of the right smart they were brought up and they whitethorn bide in a diametrical purlieu created by human race beings, and bring a clear genial legacy from their profess masses. Kluckhohn suggests that where a mortal lives is ane of the factors that determines ones goal. In China, masses extradite a smashed nauseate for draw and draw products. In the fall in States, a mortal inebriations take out from the clip of gestate because American high society has do a rule for its people Americans drop milk a co nstituent(a) patch of their meals because they argon told its the but fashion to bear on legal and surface besotted mug up and to nullify unsoundness such as osteoporosis, a malady brought on by the wishing of atomic number 20 (which is tack together in milk). Therefore, the Chinese whitethorn non conceive wherefore Americans drink milk so often, and Americans may marvel wherefore the Chinese do non go through the health benefits of milk. Kluckhohn implies that at that place ar cultural mis scanings betwixt antithetical sets of people because they be not alive(predicate) that distributively particularized grow constitutes a diverseness of intention of all lifes activities. I do control Kluckhohns hypothesis that finale is impelled by a persons environs and their program for living. I birth been raised(a) in Los Angeles and I consent helps of varying ethnic backgrounds, languages, birth places, and cultures. My shell friend came from Korea cardinal old age past and has assimilated to the slipway of American port. Yet, I do not understand why blonde trunk stoic when she has a sombre caper or why her parents neer demonstrate everyday pith to her or to themselves. I asked my get down if sandlikes behavior was unknown and she replied no because she tell arenaceous is from Korea where she was brought up in a varied environment, where her culture taught her ethical and good set that differ from set taught in the fall in States. I came to ready that although Sandy will live in the linked States for the stay on of her life, she may never break-dance up her Korean determine or her Korean upbringing.

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