Saturday, August 31, 2019

Essay in Social Work Theory

MODULE NAME: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES IN SOCIAL WORK ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Choose at least two social work theories; explain their main principles, advantages and disadvantages and apply them to the assessment, planning and intervention in one of the case studies provided below. Discuss your rationale for choosing the theories selected. Case Study 2: Ramesh Ramesh is 45 year old Sri Lankan man who works as a telephone engineer. He lives alone, but for many years he looked after his elderly mother, who died 18 months ago. Ramesh was recently hospitalized after a suicide attempt.He had been taken anti-depressants for several months before he took an overdose. According to his sister, he had become depressed and was drinking and smoking a lot, and hardly ever eating. He had been taking time off, and at risk of losing his job with BT. His sister says that Ramesh went downhill after the death of their mother, but that she was surprised at this as he always complained about at the things he ha d to do for her when she was alive. The sister has a family of her own, but says that she has tried to involve Ramesh in her family, but he had mostly refused.He had friends who he used to play cricket with, but he has stopped seeing them. He had been saying that there’s nothing to live for, and he wanted to be left alone. Ramesh is due to be released from hospital in two weeks time. WORD COUNT: 3,221 Theory is defined as a set of ideas which can be beliefs or assumptions that guides social work professional to provide high quality practice and work effectively (Oko, 2008:6). A theory represents therefore a tool for social work to use. It also helps workers to make sense of what is happening on people’s life and what can be done to help them.This piece of work aims to explain the main principles, advantages and disadvantages of attachment and crisis intervention theories. Also, how these theoretical frameworks direct workers to carry out assessment, planning and interv ention process and apply them to Ramesh’s case study illustrates above. I will then consider how far these models facilitate anti-oppressive practice in working with service users and why I choose them. To begin with, I will talk about attachment theory. The background of this theory was first developed by Freud.He was a psychoanalyst who viewed the bond between mother and an infant as sexually orientated. â€Å"The bond which links mother to infant is libido† (Holmes 1997:62). According to Freud, an infant expresses anxiety when he or she cannot suck the mother’s breast. During the feeding, an infant â€Å"discharges his libido† (Holmes 1997:62), in consequence the retention of anxiety diminishes. In the contrary, John Bowlby saw attachment between a mother and an infant as a â€Å"psychological bond in its own right not an instinct† (Holmes 1997:63) as Freud has described it.In addition, a child needs a mother to satisfy a physiological need to b e able to cope throughout the life course. According to Bowlby, an infant that experiences separation or loss from the mother can have mental problem in adulthood or juvenile delinquency in childhood. The nature of the bond is about love, affection and a consistent and emotionally invested person in a child. In the absence of love, a child feels disorientated, lost and unhappy. â€Å"I am close to my loved one I feel good, when I am far away, I am anxious, sad or lonely† (Holmes 1997:67).The proximity seeking is essential because a child needs to be comforted when feels distress, for this reason a cuddle or a touch from a love one is a great help. Bowlby also stated that the proximity of the main care giver, who is the mother, is essential. Babies need to feel attached to one person. He argued that the mother was the best person to play that role. According to Bowlby babies have a biological need to form an attachment to a particular person who feeds and cares for them. He ca lled it monotropy. He maintained that this was a survival instinct without it the child would be exposed to danger.This attachment occurs only in a vital period of time, which is the first five years in order to achieve a particular skill. He called this period â€Å"critical period†. The absence of the mother as attachment figure leads to maternal deprivation. Bowlby believed that maternal deprived children were more likely to develop poor social adjustment and difficult relationships in adolescence and adulthood. Subsequent to these others researchers said that it is not the absence of the mother but the presence of conflicts and disruption during the upbringing of children that cause difficulties in late life (Holmes 1997:51).For Bowlby, mothers should be devoted to their children to protect them and care for them. He believed that the interaction between a child and the main care giver helps the child to identify the self and to be ready to explore the world alone. It is called internal working model. It is a process by which a child commences to understand the self with the presence of a care giver or multiple carers leading to a positive internal working model (Holmes, 1997:78). According to Bowlby a secure child has a positive working model.In the contrary, an insecure attached child â€Å"sees himself as ineffective and unworthy of love† (Holmes, 1997:79). Bowlby would have said that Ramesh has a negative internal working model because according to his sister, he said that â€Å"there is nothing to live for and he wanted to be left alone†. He felt insecure, but again it can be argued that Ramesh’s response is explained by his natural emotion that matters to him not because he is an insecure attached child or because of the fact of loss leads to bad thoughts (Holmes, 1997:162).In a cultural point of view, maybe that was his way to mourn his mother’s death. Mourning is defined as a process of correcting the idea that, a bereaved person still feel attached to a love one who is no longer there and of overcoming the loss (Messer & Jones, 2001 :490). Different cultures prescribe different grieving rituals. Maybe Ramesh wanted to express his grieving by being alone. The other key concept of attachment theory is the response of the care giver towards the child in order to determine if a child feels secure or insecure.To understand the relationship between attachment and children’s behaviour, Mary Ainsworth made a reliable naturalistic study in 1960s of mothers and their children in their first year of life. The experience is called â€Å"strange situation†. It is described as follow. A mother and child are introduced to a room with toys. Three minutes later the child is left alone with a stranger then the mother will come again and the child is again left alone without the stranger. The aim of the experience was to see how the child reacts on the presence and absence of the mother as a sec ure base when eft alone with a strange person and the experience lasted twenty minutes (Payne, 2005:82). Five patterns of behaviour were identified: the first one was secure attachment, the second one was insecure avoidant, and the third one was insecure ambivalent, the fourth one was insecure and disorganised and the fifth one was non-attachment. Although this experience was done on a child under stress, the results of attachment are maintained throughout the life cycle. Therefore it helps to understand an adult behaviour when facing separation or bereavement.For instance to be able to understand how Ramesh was related to his mother and what kind of therapeutic strategies to use, a social worker has to consider these patterns of attachment. The fact that Ramesh cannot cope without the mother being around even though he was the one looking after her, can be interpreted as a â€Å"fear of autonomy or compromised†(Holmes1996:20). He had an insecure ambivalent attachment. He was clinged to his mother, she was a secure base moreover her death made him independent and fearful to take back his autonomy and assertiveness.He seems to be showing his anger and pain through drinking, smoking, an overdose of anti-depressant and attempting suicide. He is facing with the loss of a significant attachment figure. Bowlby’s explanation of attachment theory focuses on mother. He did not take into account of the role of the father or a different care giver or multiple care givers. In other cultures, the extended family has an importance in rising up children. Also the socio-economic aspect was not raised by Bowlby. Meaning that for him a father was the main bread winner and a mother had the duties to look after children at home.He did not consider working mothers and single parenting. But again Bowlby’s work was done during the world war 1950’s. Attachment theory did not take into account of individuality. For instance, in a strange situation, differen t children would have reacted differently. Moreover Kagan quoted in psychology and social care suggested that â€Å"avoidant infants are difficult to upset, ambivalent infants are easy to stress and that secure infants are somewhere between these two† (Messer & Jones, 2001:232).But again some people think that, the classification of attachment behaviour patterns are useful to understand children, to trace back childhood history and to be able to understand adults’ actual problems in relation to mental health. Theories give an idea about what is happening in a situation in social work profession. It also directs workers on how they are going to solve problems, what needs to be done in order to resolve the problem. Having saying that, attachment theory helps to understand Ramesh behaviour and attitude. He was admitted to the hospital because of depression.This could be explained by the fact that there is a relationship between bereavement and vulnerability to psychiatric disorder (Holmes, 1996:179). However, social worker will have the task to assist Ramesh in his explorations of his present and past life. The social worker has to understand how Ramesh is coping with the bereavement in his life. In order to do so the worker has to work in partnership with Ramesh, he is the best person to explain how he is feeling and coping, also what needs to be done to solve the problem immediately.Attachment theory helps to understand what is going on in Ramesh’s life. The next step will be to take action to help him. Crisis intervention model is then a practical tool that helps professionals to act efficiently. Crisis intervention was first developed by Roberts who defined it as â€Å"turning points in people’s lives† (Roberts quoted in Payne, 2005: 103). This means that, it is a point of time for deciding something when an individual is faced with an urgent stressful situation such as bereavement, a loss of a closer family member or a loss of job.The response should be then spontaneous. The theory focuses on a limited period of time (four to six weeks) within which a social worker helps and supports a service user who works though bereavement to develop new adaptive ways of coping. It assumes that the society we live in is a smooth society where norms and values are shared and understandable by all. Everyone should fit in it but then again in case an individual experiences distress he or she should find away to resolve it in order to conform.Crisis intervention also states that the life course of all individuals is constituted of many events crisis. According to (Roberts 1995:29) â€Å"A crisis is a period of Psychological disequilibrium and decreased functioning as a result of an event or situation that creates a significant problem which cannot be resolved by using familiar coping strategies†. In addition, people in crisis may experience a host of emotions, including feelings of anxiety, guilt, helplessness and withdrawal from friends and relatives. According to the definition, Ramesh can be considered to be facing crisis.For instance according to the information provided, Ramesh has attempted suicide, he took an overdose of anti-depressants, and he is avoiding his friends. Further to this the sister stated that Ramesh has become depressed and was drinking and smoking a lot. All of this information indicates the breakdown of Ramesh’s psychological equilibrium. The major cause of all these problems is the death of his mother. Ramesh might be scared to take on a new role. This suggests that new approaches must be developed for Ramesh to build his equilibrium.Crisis intervention theoretical method can therefore be applied when working with Ramesh to ensure that he develops new coping mechanisms. It is based on ego psychology derived from a psychologist, Freud and others who helped in the building of his work. It was developed around the observations of Caplan 1965 and others who lo oked at how people coped with a crisis in their lives. Psychodynamic ego psychology is used in crisis intervention to emphasise people’s emotional strengths in dealing with crisis (Payne 2005:98).This theory is a coping mechanism for any crisis situations including domestic violence, mental health, child abuse, drugs or alcohol problems, or the admission to hospital or care home, breakdown of close relationships etc. The crisis poses a major threat to most human beings. The response to this crisis differs from one person to another. For instance, the bereavement can be coped very well with the presence of family members and friends by one person while another whose life centred almost entirely around the dead person may feel that life is not worth and reject the support available as Ramesh did according to his sister.The theory works then towards the provision of opportunity for growth and positive changes following an emotional or physical experience which may lead a person to a break down. The idea of crisis intervention theory is to empower the person and to support them in taking the positives from the situation. Ramesh case study is a typical case where crisis intervention theory is a useful tool to use. There are lots of crisis situations surrounding him which therefore, needs intervention. Intervention has a very active, practical, directive about it.The crisis in Ramesh is not the issue of his mother’s death but rather his perception of and response to this situation. His crisis responses will be seen as drinking, smoking, taking time off the job and not eating enough. Issues raised in this case are that Ramesh is depressed and introverted as described by his sister. Crisis intervention theory suggests that a particular issue in a given crisis might represent a reaction to an issue elsewhere in the same or a connected issue. Going through this hard time might be an unfamiliar situation for him.An action at one point can therefore be expec ted to lead to a reaction elsewhere. If at this point in Ramesh’s life and intervention does not take place, then, he might go back to hospital and maybe end up with a severe mental health problem. I feel that crisis intervention can help Ramesh to develop a new coping mechanism by working through his experiences and feelings so he can see things better and return to stability. Crisis intervention looks at what someone can do rather than cannot do; therefore it is a social model of intervention.This can be achieved through the use of the seven stages of the theory described by Roberts 1995. The first stage is an initial assessment, where Rameh’s risks and safety are identified together with others. If he is thought to be a high danger to himself or to others, referral is made to a psychiatrist for consideration of hospitalisation. In the event of hospitalisation, the intervention proceeds. On the second stage, the worker should establish rapport and appropriate communi cation with Ramesh for him to understand that he â€Å"can overcome current problems and arrive at a satisfactory tomorrow† (Roberts, 1995: 20).This can be done through listening and reassuring him of a stable future. It will also help him in reducing the negatives aspects in his crisis events by structured therapy dealing with the immediate crisis that is taking small steps in dealing with his anxieties. The third stage requires the worker to explore Ramesh’s existing strengths, weaknesses and resources. It is also about identifying the major problems to deal with and addressing them. On the next stage, the worker sets some goals using the strength approach.Providing practical help and assessment of the relevant crisis issues will enable the presenting crisis situation to return to equilibrium. With Ramesh’s situation, focusing on the crisis event but also expanding beyond the factual information to include his current emotions is the first step. His crisis iss ues will be separated in order to decrease his anxieties and to help him make decisions about the smoking, drinking, relationship with his sister and playing cricket with his friends one at a time and for him to be able to define his goals and develop an action plan.In stage five, the worker should implement the plan, teaching new skills or mobilizing other support. Actions that needs to be taken are the use of a counselor to obtain detailed psychological information, identifying the barrier for example, the resilience of socialisation, acknowledgement of his strengths and interest for example playing cricket while addressing the rejection of his sister support. Moreover the elements of psychological ego psychology can also be applied to emphasize Ramesh’s strength in dealing with crisis.This method will be significant because Ramesh seems to be acting unconsciously and has a psychological disequilibrium. For instance, he has been drinking and smoking a lot and hardly eating, also isolating himself from his friends and feeling guilty that he did help his mother enough when she was alive. The therapeutic intervention will assist Ramesh to recognise his painful and repressed feelings. If Ramesh identifies his hidden thoughts and feelings, new coping mechanisms should be established through the mobilization of resources for support such as offering him bereavement counseling.The aim is to reduce continuing unpleasant effects and emotions. Then on the sixth stage, Ramesh together with his counselor need to review the actions that were taken and evaluate their success but to return back to the action if the crisis is not fully resolved. On the final stage, he would also be helped to think about potential future crisis, how they might be addressed and where future support may be found. And if his case is going to be terminated due to success of his actions, his feelings will be process around ending the therapeutic relationship.By providing crisis interventio n, Ramesh learns new ways of coping, sees himself differently and new opportunities for the future whilst being empowered to take control. According to (Thompson 2001:11) â€Å"good practice is not dependent on the use of anyone method or approach, it is more to do with using the methods in an anti-oppressive way†. This means not being only aware of the potential for discrimination and oppression in the worker and service user relationship in social work practice, but also need to constantly look at ways of using the approaches in order to reduce oppression and discrimination.The support helps him to draw out the positives from the changes he experienced. Cognitive behavioural theory also works well with crisis intervention as it comes from the psychological theories of information processing which can also correlate how Ramesh is feeling and coping with the crisis situation. Ramesh will also be aware that decisions should not be made on the basis of one problem alone as it w ill create other problems. My rationale of choosing this theory is that, a limited period of time is given to resolve the crisis and therefore, effective in terms of effort and resources.The sooner Ramesh regains control of his life the better in one hand. On the other hand, good practice takes time. Consequently, an early assessment and intervention are crucial, in order to react effectively to gear towards preventing future crisis. Also crisis intervention can be highly intrusive and directive which can raise number of issues, for example ethical dilemmas and rights such as decision making process. In summary, I have explained attachment and crisis intervention theories and how the first one helps Social Worker to understand human behaviour when facing bereavement.The second approach has a role to play in promoting the anti-oppressive approach in social work practice, by restoring as much control as possible and validating and celebrating service user strengths. It uses elements o f ego-psychology from psychodynamic perspective and promotes the time limited and more focused ways of working with service users. Although, the theories have limitations, they provide frameworks for Social Workers to engage with service users in the most effective way. Bibliography Holmes, J. (1996) Attachment, Intimacy, Autonomy: Using Attachment Theory in Adult Psychotherapy.New Jersey: Book Mart Press. Holmes, J. (1997) John Bowlby and Attachment Theory. London: Routledge. Messer, D & Jones, F. (2001) Psychology and Social Care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd. Oko, J. (2008) Understanding Social Work Theory. London: Learning Matters. Payne, M. (2005) Modern Social Work Theory. 3rd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Roberts, A R. (1995) Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Cognitive Treatment. London: Sage Publication Ltd. Thompson, N. (2001) Anti-discriminatory Practice. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hoosiers Essay

‘Hoosiers’ is a sports film made in 1986 about a basketball team of high school of a small town in Indiana. The film represents a time during 1952 when every high school in Indiana used to compete in one or the other state championships. The film is based on the new coach of the basketball team, Norman Dale who in fact has a past with a spot and has been out of the game for nearly more than a decade. The people in the town are adamant to fire him because they are not sure about the coach, not at all trust him and also dislike his coaching style. Despite all these opposing, Coach Dale sets himself focused and finally brings the whole team together and helps it to win the state championship and at the same time wins the heart of the people too. Coach Dale explains to the team members that it becomes necessary to apply different leadership styles in different situations. One of the styles that help the team members to unite and win the championship is authoritative style. Initially, in fact immediately in his first interaction with the team members, Coach Dale applies this style on them and asks Ray to keep out of the game just because he didn’t follow his instructions word by word. The movie is of course about a high school basketball team but it depicts that a person’s leadership and right directions can lead even a community and if one were focused on his goal, he would definitely achieve it. Authoritative style is, in fact, uniting the members of the team by focusing on a common goal that has to be achieved but here the members are to follow the instructions of their leader on the way of achieving the goal. But in this movie it was not only the leadership style but also lot of other characteristics of Coach Dale like his optimism, self-confidence, farsightedness, enthusiasm, toughness and of course motivation, that helped the team to win and follow his instructions. There are times when authoritative style of leadership seems to look like dictatorial or bossy but it best fits in situations when the leader has the best knowledge and experience as compared to other members of the team or when time limit is less for the group to take decisions. Authoritative style of leadership becomes important when the goal is common but the group members are not very sure about the ways to achieve it but the leader has a concrete idea, which if followed there is maximum chance of achieving the goal. The whole and sole responsibility lies on the leader’s shoulders and he or she must have the expertise and should possess all the basic and detailed information to handle the situation. In the movie, Coach Dale has his goal focused and applies this style of leadership most of the time because he has the self-confidence and farsightedness in him along with the experience of the game much more than the other members of the team. Initially his players don’t listen to him and two among them even walk away because they don’t trust him and to follow someone it is very important to have faith in his words. The movie focuses on the significance of determination and importance of right leadership in not only a basketball game but in life too. When it becomes difficult to  achieve the target in life and you have someone who has the confidence and expertise to guide you, you must follow him and trust him.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Maths in Everyday Life Essay

You may find yourself wondering what use we have for some of the knowledge we obtain from math class in school. It is sometimes difficult for students to appreciate the importance of Mathematics. They often find the subject boring and hard to understand. With this project we will hopefully help our students realize that Mathematics is not just a subject on their time-table but a tool they use in their everyday life. â€Å"Mathematics is one of the first things you learn in life. Even as a baby you learn to count. Starting from that tiny age you will start to learn how to use building blocks how to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. Through the years, and probably through the centuries, teachers have struggled to make math meaningful by providing students with problems and examples demonstrating its applications in everyday life. Now, however, technology makes it possible for students to experience the value of math in daily life, instead of just reading about it. Math is everywhere and yet, we may not recognize it because it doesn’t look like the math we did in school. Math in the world around us sometimes seems invisible. But math is present in our world all the time–in the workplace, in our homes, and in life in general. When you buy a car, follow a recipe, or decorate your home, you’re using math principles. This presentation also, is prepared using the principles of math. Math applies to daily life, with sections on gambling odds, buying and leasing cars, population growth, decorating, and cooking. Most sections include hands-on activities. Formulas are a part of our lives. Whether we drive a car and need to calculate the distance, or need to work out the volume in a milk container, algebraic formulas are used every day without you even realizing it. Simply put, mathematics is about relationships. Mathematicians have developed a language of precise relationships, illustrated through their formulas and equations. We live in a world where so far, as we have observed, everything is related and everything is experienced as different. We can learn about relationships in our world by looking at mathematical relationships that seem to match the situation being explored. For instance there is a relationship between distance traveled, time of travel, and speed of travel. Mathematics provides a relatively simple equation: Distance traveled = average speed multiplied by time of travel In simpler mathematical terms, d = s x t Math involves data analysis, number relationships and graphing, patterns and functions, statistics, and measurement. People who use math in their work, it doesn’t occur that often that you’d need to calculate 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 or 0. 1 x 0. 1 x 0. 1 x 0. 1 x 0. 1 or other such calculations. One example of how math do kind of connect with our everyday lives: when we speak about square feet, square meters, square inches, square miles, square kilometers or any other area units, or when we speak about cubic feet, cubic meters, cubic centimeters or any other such volume units. If you talk about SQUARE shaped areas, for example if you say â€Å"My room is twelve by twelve square†, you’re meaning your room is 12 feet x 12 feet, or 122 square feet. I believe one reason that mathematics is not more generally applied has to do with a tendency to ‘think’ of mathematics only in terms of numbers, precision, quantification, and so on. We forget that mathematics is also about relationships, relatedness, relationships between relationships, interconnections, dependency (functions), changing relationships (calculus), factors that constitute relationships (variables), structure (order, relationships), asymmetric relationships (order), (graphical, numerical, and other representations (mapping), increase and decrease (addition, subtraction , multiplication, division, etc. ) and so on. The notion of a â€Å"function† is another mathematical tool we can apply to our everyday situations. Function in mathematics has to do with â€Å"relationships between variables – how a dependent variable changes when related variables change. In a simple equation y=3x, if we change the value of x, then y changes. Y is called the dependent variable, and x the independent variable. In other words the value of y depends on the value we give to x. And in this equation, we can give x any value we choose. In our everyday living, we do many things that are related to other things – although not as precisely as in mathematics – and we give values, assign meanings, and so on. Our whole living involves relationships. Our successes are a function of our efforts. The way others treat us is a function of how we behave towards them. Meanings, values, significance, understanding, etc. , are functions of ‘time’ – more specifically information available at a ‘time’. In a world where as far as we know everything is related, we can learn a lot about our everyday relationships by studying the approaches of a system that deals specifically with relationships. Variables and functions are only two examples of a vast number of other mathematics approaches we can apply to better understanding our everyday relationships. Math applies to daily life, with sections on gambling odds, buying and leasing cars, population growth, decorating, and cooking. Most sections include hands-on activities. One of the most complete and self-sufficient math units on the Web is Project Sky Math: Making Mathematical Connections — Using the Science and Language of Patterns to Explore the Weather. They study the history of weather prediction, develop symbol sets, prepare graphs, predict changes, solve problems, and discover rules. General semantics involves applying the methods of science and mathematics to our everyday living. For instance, if we ‘think’ of things – anything – in terms of the â€Å"variable†, we will come to realize that like the mathematical variable that is sometimes a higher value and sometimes a lower value, we should expect things and situations to change. Sometimes this change will occur in the way we like; other times not. Sometimes more than we expect, sometimes less. Sometimes we will observe no significant change. We can expect our moods and ‘feelings’ to vary. ‘Thinking’ in terms of the variable better prepares us to anticipate and manage changes in our lives. This could reduce a great deal of stress in our lives – stress related to our forgetting that thing-processes are not constants. Family, partners, friends, work situations, health, etc. , won’t stay the way we found them or the way we expect them to go. ‘Thinking’ in terms of the variable, we would expect variations in our lives, and situations to vary related to different ‘time’, ‘places’, contexts, and so on. It is important to keep in ‘mind’ that with regards to our everyday relationships, unlike mathematical equations, precision is not the important factor-variable here. Important factors involve recognizing relationships, interconnections, and â€Å"interdependencies†. An important factor is to be aware that we assign our own individual values to what we see, hear, read, and so on. We could avoid, or better manage many conflicts, by remembering variables and functions. There are lots of real uses of mathematics in our life. All the mathematics terms base on counting. Today our all businesses base on counting. There is no concept of business without mathematics. Before the mathematics rules people use barter system. They give their goods to others and take the goods from other people. But this system cannot continue longer when need of humans increased day by day. Now you can think that counting has vital role in our daily life, just imagine if there were no mathematics at all, how it would be possible for us to count days, months and years. There is a cost for everything that we may use or purchase from markets so what’s a cost? What are utility bills? What’s the ticket price? These are all applications of mathematics. We cannot deny the importance of mathematics in our daily life. When we got to shop to purchase something we need mathematics. When someone comes to our shop to purchase something we need calculations. There are many uses of mathematics in real life most likely in jobs like accounting, banking , store manager or just working at a simple fast food store. These are very simple applications of mathematics. Mathematics is at the core of all the communication technologies, it’s used in accounting, finance etc in short we are using mathematics in some form or another everywhere in our daily lives. But the most important use of mathematics in our technologies cannot be contradicted. Our most of the system base on computers and all the computer technology are stands on mathematical rules. All computers work on binary code, code of zero and one. So we cannot deny the importance of mathematics in real life. Everyday life would be quite difficult if you had no knowledge of math. To know what’s the time, the most precious thing. On a basic level you need to able to count your money, multiply, subtract and divide. You need knowledge of math if you want to work out how much material to buy for a job. More advanced mathematics is essential if you take up any kind of technical career such as engineering. Working on algebra and geometry also helps with reasoning skills and assists later in life with technical problem solving. Living your day to day life without maths would be extremely difficult. Even if you were a nomad in the desert you would want to count your goats, wouldn’t you? The key to opportunity These are the years of small beginnings until the day comes that you have to be able to do something as intricate as algebra. Math is the key that will unlock the door before you. Having the ability to do algebra will help you excel into the field that you want to specialize in. We live in a world where only the best succeed. Having the ability and knowledge to do algebra will determine whether you will take the short cut or the detour in the road of life. Prerequisite for advanced training Most employers expect their employees to be able to do the fundamentals of algebra. If you want to do any advanced training you will have to be able to be fluent in the concept of letters and symbols used to represent quantities. Science Moreover, it is also believed that ‘Mathematics is the mother of all sciences’. This also shows us that all the sciences that are evolved have a sound foundation in mathematics, if we go further in debate it would be justified to say that the blessings of all these modern sciences and technologies are only possible with mathematics. Mathematics is used as a problem solver in every field of science. Mathematics is playing a very important role in our daily lives. In fact mathematics is involved directly or indirectly wherever we go and every thing that we may use. When doing any form of science, whether just a project or a lifetime career choice, you will have to be able to do and understand how to use and apply the concepts of math. Analysis When it comes to analyzing anything, whether the cost, price or profit of a business you will need to be able to do math. Margins need to be set and calculations need to be made to do strategic planning and analyzing is the way to do it. Data entry What about the entering of any data. Your use of algebraic expressions and the use of equations will be like a corner stone when working with data entry. When working on the computer with spreadsheets you will need algebraic skills to enter, design and plan. Decision making Decisions like which cell phone provider gives the best contracts to deciding what type of vehicle to buy, you will use algebra to decide which one is the best one. By drawing up a graph and weighing the best option you will get the best value for your money. Interest Rates How much can you earn on an annual basis with the correct interest rate. How will you know which company gives the best if you can’t work out the graphs and understand the percentages. In today’s life a good investment is imperative. Writing of assignments When writing any assignments the use of graphs, data and math will validate your statements and make it appear more professional. Professionalism is of the essence if you want to move ahead and be taken seriously. Math is basically about solving problems and calculating different things. So if you are good in math, you are good at solving problems and calculating things first hand. Can you see the importance of algebra? Your day can be made a lot easier with planning. In financial decisions this can save you a lot of finances or maybe get you the best price available. It all comes down to planning and using the knowledge and algebraic skills you have to benefit your own life. Use the key you have and make your life a lot smoother. Mathematics is very important for life since it helps us to quantify all the visible and invisible things with which we are dealing in daily life. It is human nature that they do not have complete confidence in the subjective or relative things, in the modern day of today the objective things are preferred and trusted more than the subjective things. Mathematics helps us to have an objective view of the different things we are dealing with. It helps us in making calculations about the things which are not physically developed like for buildings before construction. Living a life unknowing ‘Maths’ would be living in random oblivion. Mathematics is primarily used for the purpose of scientific calculation of figures and objects. In real life the use of Mathematics can be applicable to every aspect, field, profession and subject etc. In IT field, in Statistics, in Accounts, in Algebra, in Geometry, for instance, Mathematics is used for calculating, multiplying, subtracting, division, differentiating, manipulating and managing the data in desired form. In other professions Mathematics can merely be used for the calculation of currency, recording the profits and loss. In ordinary life Mathematics can be used for the calculation of any specific or general sort. Concisely it can be said that Mathematics can be used for the authentic and scientific variation between and calculation of numbers, amounts, quantities etc; measurements of the frequencies of light and sound, of distance. Maths is all around us. It is present in different forms; it is very important that we take note of it. Things are measured or accurate due to maths. Mathematics has a prominent role to play in our daily life. We even didn’t realize that maths is involves in every sort of activities. Whenever we pick up the phone, manage the money, travel to some other place, unintentionally in all these things maths is involved. Another very simple application is calendar year. How we know that today is Tuesday? It was Thursday on May 1, 2012? It’s actually mathematics that gives/provides us all this information. Mathematics do play a big part in our daily lives. Mathematical functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on are used in our daily activities. From poor to rich , all have to some how use mathematics in their real lives. Consider a housewife, who has to run her house in the given budget. She divides money according to her needs and estimates about the expenses and then spends it according her range. From the advent of civilization, man learn to count using stones and beads. In the earliest civilization, barter-system was used. Now-a-days, all day to day transactions in a multi-national or national companies involve mathematical operations . The application of maths is seen every moment, right from the moment we wake up from bed in the morning till the moment we again go back to bed at night. As soon as we wake up, we first of all give a big yawn-that makes us think for how long we have yawned? –3 to 5 seconds? Here maths comes! Again when we look at the clock, we realise how late we have got up! –8:30 a. m! Here the part called Time of mathematics is put to focus. Even when we brush our teeth, we should know how much amount of toothpaste we must use–it’s written on the tubes that children below the age of 6 years should use only a pea-sized amount of it. Again, we must keep a track of how much time we have to take to brush our teeth. Then comes the time of studying.. we keep a regular routine of how long we must study a particular subject and i often hear my mom saying me. â€Å"You must keep a little extra time for Maths and Science.. â€Å"Then comes bathing—we take a certain amount of water which we can count in litres. Now if i have to go on saying for the whole day about the use of maths in real life, i would not be able to complete it in a day! The list is endless. Mathematics is very important for life since it helps us to quantify all the visible and invisible things with which we are dealing in daily life. It is human nature that they do not have complete confidence in the subjective or relative things, in the modern day of today the objective things are preferred and trusted more than the subjective things. Mathematics helps us to have an objective view of the different things we are dealing with. It helps us in making calculations about the things which are not physically developed like for buildings before construction. We do calculations and ensure if their design is safe or not, similarly mathematics helps us to plan things for future either is any production environment for products or services. It helps us to have an idea that how much earning or spending has been done and would it be beneficial to do a certain activity or not. In today’s world mathematics is being applied everywhere like in the economy of a country, construction of buildings, marking and evaluation of persons. It would be appropriate to say that mathem atics has helped a lot in achieving the fast speed life with all its comforts and delights If we are quick at mental arithmetic, it will help you a lot in saving hundreds of pounds or dollars in the supermarket. And if you have knowledge of statistics it will help you see through the baloney (non sense, lies) in television adverts or newspapers. You can also understand different kinds of information about the football or cricket team. Even simple maths equations are just around us, like spherical shapes of soap bubbles, ripples on the surface of water. Maths help engineer in making different shapes with geometrical shape the structure of the building was not possible. The beauty of maths is not only around us but a strong know how of maths help us in every day life too. Just start looking around you and you will find that how maths is help full to you in your life We do calculations and ensure if their design is safe or not, similarly mathematics helps us to plan things for future either is any production environment for products or services. It helps us to have an idea that how much earning or spending has been done and would it be beneficial to do a certain activity or not. In today’s world mathematics is being applied everywhere like in the economy of a country, construction of buildings, marking and evaluation of persons. It would be appropriate to say that mathematics has helped a lot in achieving the fast speed life with all its comforts and delights. Without math, one would not be able to function in the REAL world. We use math to purchase things we want, we use math to measure, tell time and so on. We all need the basics but having a more advanced knowledge in math such as geometry, algebra and metric system always helps. As they say knowledge is ‘priceless. Without math, one would not be able to function in the real  world. We use math to purchase things we want, we use math to measure, tell time and so on. We all need the basics but having a more advanced knowledge in math such as geometry, algebra and metric system always helps. As they say knowledge is ‘priceless. ‘ Without math, one would not be able to function in the real  world. We use math to purchase things we want, we use math to measure, tell time and so on. We all need the basics but having a more advanced knowledge in math such as geometry, algebra and metric system always helps. As they say knowledge is ‘priceless. ‘

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Anythin to do with Microeconomics Research Proposal

Anythin to do with Microeconomics - Research Proposal Example Retail shopping can be defined as the process of evaluation of goods or services from retail outlets by consumers aiming to buy those goods or services. Retail shopping takes place in different venues ranging from hypermarkets, shopping malls and departmental stores to bazaars, second-hand stores, dollar stores and flea markets. Today, retail shopping is not only a necessity that enables retail consumers to acquire goods or services for use in everyday life, but it is also a leisure activity that combines delight, relaxation, amusement and the chance to spend ‘quality time’ with friends and relatives. In a few cases, retail shopping is an arduous, time-consuming and unpleasant activity where consumers are obliged to line up in long queues for long hours to purchase popular items {for example, during holiday shopping}. The retail consumer’s decision to buy is a successful culmination of eight consecutive stages: ‘need’ which convinces the retail consumer to buy certain goods or services, ‘awareness’ involving advertisers of goods and services reaching out to prospective buyers using persuasive brand communication, ‘preference’ when retail consumers decide that they prefer certain brands, ‘search’ involving consumers initiating searches for retail outlets where their preferred brand is being sold, ‘selection’ involving choosing their preferred item, ‘purchase’ involving the consumer conveying final confirmation by paying for the item, ‘use’ involves the consumer making practical use of the item, and ‘satisfaction’ involving the consumer’s firm conviction that the item purchased has fully lived up to expectations (Sharma). Phil Kotler defines Atmospherics as â€Å"the effort to design buying environments to produce specific emotional effects in the buyer that enhance his or her purchase probability.† In â€Å"Marketing of the Mind†, the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Graduate Nurse Capabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Graduate Nurse Capabilities - Essay Example I also complied with the different standards under the local OH & S policies in relation to emergency situations and incident reporting. In order to achieve this, I constantly updated myself about these policies and I reviewed said policies as I immersed myself in the nursing process. I also found out that based on the Buddy report, I would benefit from research on endoscopic procedures and diseases. I am eager to explore said areas of research. As an independent nurse, I was able to carry out independent nursing interventions by facilitating a physical, psycho-social, cultural and spiritual environment that was, in turn, able to secure the safety and security of assigned patients. I was able to work constructively with the other members of the health team. Based on the Buddy report, I was also able to communicate well with said members in the delivery of healthcare. Mastering different skills and capabilities like delegating, teaching, learning, and coordinating are just some of the skills which ensure a smooth transition for the graduate nurse into the nursing practice. Delegating is all about assigning the right people to the job; teaching focuses on health education of patients; learning is about continuing nursing education, and coordinating is about collaborating with other nurses and health professionals. I was able to advance my skills in these areas and I was able to learn other skills which are ultimately bound to assist in improving nursing practice and in gaining better patient outcomes.

A Whisper in the Dark by Louisia May Alcott Essay

A Whisper in the Dark by Louisia May Alcott - Essay Example The different components of a literary piece can be conveyed to support the themes represented in the short story. Louisa May Alcott is an American novelist in the 1800s who explores the wealth of her period through presentation of the said scenario in the literary works that she had accomplished. The short story is about an heiress who had been orphaned and was left in the cared of her uncle. The character that is her uncle reflected and expressed the Gothic conflicts of the story. It revolves in the plans and betrayals undertaken by her uncle. Aside from the suspense and thrills incorporated in the short story, the element of romance can be observed between Sybil and her cousin Guy. The title can be based on the message that is sent to her by her mother who had been known dead though the truth is that she had been in a mental institution. As compared to other stories of suspense, greed and value of wealth and money can be considered as the main element of importance presented by th e antagonist in the story. Based on form and content of the short story, it can be considered of standards short story structure of Gothic romance representation. The belief in woman’s independence in terms of the decisions made can be observed which can be considered related to the author’s belief in the capabilities of the women and their rights in the society. This can be attributed to her other writings which discuss and showcase the woman as the main character and in the story the narrator. Although this is the case, the representation of Alcott in the character of Sybil can be considered as a traditional female protagonist who in most cases is overwhelmed and driven by her emotions. Based on the composition of the character of Sybil, the author had been able to capture the conflicts and struggles of woman not only of her era but through history. One side is the one seeking independence which is exhibited when Sybil

Monday, August 26, 2019


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN INTERNET BANKING - Essay Example More evidences and marks of banking activities are found in the ancient times as well. In fact, the word digs its origins back to the Ancient Roman Empire, where the moneylenders used to set up their stalls in the middle of enclosed courtyards called macella on a long bench called a bancu, from which the words banco and bank are finally derived. The merchant of the bancu, being a moneychanger, simply converted foreign money the Imperial Mint, the sole legal Roman tender. He did not invest a lot of money. (Matyszak & Philip 2007). A banker or bank has been in the status of a formal financial institution whose primary activity is to serve as a payment agent for customers to borrow and lend. The name of the first modern bank was Banco di San Giorgio or the Bank of St. George which was established in Italy at Genoa during the year 1406. As the human life style started ticking faster, the modes of transaction also indicated a shift to fit in the pace of the human wants, movements of goods and services and the time value factor that became crucial. The paper is concentrating on the aspect of one of the modern banking pattern; most contemporary and commonly known as the internet banking and the customer satisfaction in its service. The precursor for the modern day’s home or office based internet banking services were the distance banking services over electronic media from the early 80s. the late eighties saw the popularity of internet rise and this brought with it the utility of a keyboard, monitor and terminal. The phone might or might not have been used in the process. Home banking can also refer to the use of a numeric keypad to transmit tones through a phone line with instructions to the bank. In 1981 four banking giants of New York, Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Chemical and Manufacturers Hanover began to re nder home banking service through the application of internet and this marked the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Investments in Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investments in Information Technology - Essay Example Heinrich and Simchi-Levi (2005) answer the question whether IT investments really pay off: "The answer is yes-only if solid business processes are in place." Thus, the success of any IT strategy is highly dependent on the integration of business processes within the organization and its various supply chain factors. Information technology strategies are directly linked to the company's supply chain. As the supply chain is composed of stakeholders who are directly related to the operations of the company, the installation of IT software and tool will have an impact on them. In return, the organization bottom line will also benefit or be harmed by any IT strategy in place. Investments in IT generate a lot of advantages in a company's supply chain. However, this is only true with the premise that the appropriate level of business process is in place. As the study of Heinrich and Simchi-Levi proves, information technology goes hand in hand business process maturity in increasing the efficiency and profitability of business organization. Investment in IT without integrating the supply chain by sharing the data in internal and external stakeholders will render useless.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysis of Debates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Debates - Research Paper Example Society never ceases to look down upon any person taking these plunges or walking those extra miles. These people are always watched from bay with half-squinted eyes. Nevertheless, far beyond confronting the frowning brows of the people gazing around, it is very important to listen to the call of one’s heart (Streitmatter 1-23). Since time immemorial, it has been an established fact that the union of opposite sexes is very important for the progression of any particular race. However, human mind has unfathomable depth and dark channels and abbeys where light of any logic or comprehension is very difficult to reach. A man might feel a physical affinity with a man, and a woman can also have the same kind of affection for another woman against the general convention prevalent in the society. If we examine the scriptures, literature and folklore thoroughly, it can be identified that mankind’s affinity towards the same sex has evolved steadily but in a very latent way. With the progress of civilization and so much of awareness of the importance of civil rights and human psychology, the time has come when people have chosen to discuss the issue at an open and broad forum where the marriages between the same-sex can be advocated and discussed without any kind of suppression. Thesis Statement This essay intends to analyze the thought that gay marriages should be accepted as a commonplace affair of the society. At the same time, the essay throws light on the myriad pros and cons associated with the legitimate ways of attaining the unification of two people belonging to the same sex. Gay Marriages and Its Sanctity Same-sex marriages are often coined in the local terminology as ‘gay marriages’. Etymologically, it is a legitimate union between two persons of the same biological sex. The supporters or the promoters of the gay marriages tend to refer to the same-sex marriages as marriage equality or equal marriage. Turning the pages of the history related to the legitimation of the same-sex marriages, we can observe that it is only very recent, i.e. during the first decade of the twenty-first century, that same-sex marriages were recognized, enacted and protected from the various legal cells across the world. The other noteworthy fact regarding the sanctification of the same-sex marriages took place in the very recent times, i.e. in the year 2013 itself. During the current calendar year, eleven countries across the globe and a few sub-national jurisdictions have allowed the legitimate union between couples of the same sex (Pratt). The complex question which is raised in the most recent times in different societies across the globe is that why there is a complete absence of legal sanctity and universal right pertaining to the gay marriages uniformly across the globe. The Western world is still a step ahead in this regard, and if focus is shifted towards the East and the oriental societies, the condition is pathetic, to say the least. In the current scenario, there are places where even the thought of marrying a person of the same gender can mercilessly take away one’s life. Clergy and church are also not behind any regulatory and theological bodies related to the condemnation of marriage of equality (Mulholland). For example, if a thorough light is shed on the article by Chrysovalantis P. Kefalas, it can be arguably asserted that marriage of equal

Friday, August 23, 2019

Additions and Substraction of Elements in a Movie Essay

Additions and Substraction of Elements in a Movie - Essay Example For example the Ring is a horror movie based on writings of a Japanese author. It made entrance into the cinema halls in the year 1998 and it is based from the novel by Koji Suzuki, the ring (Suzuki, 9). The movie is produced by Hideo Nakata and it draws its traditional tale from Bancho Sarayashiki. This Japanese movie is a horror movie that depicts a video tape that is cursed and whoever watches it, must die after a week. The film stars Hiroyuki Sanada, RikiyaOtaka, and Nanako Matsushima as members of a divorced family and they play an impressive role to make this movie seem a reality. This Japanese movie was produced in 2002 in the United States of America as The Ring and in South Korea as the Ring Virus. The 2002 sequel of the Ringu, Japanese version, features American actors and actresses who, based on the plot of Suzuki’s book and Hideo Nakata movie, produce a horror movie which focuses on the cursed video tape. The American movie is directed by Verbinski and has Naomi Wa tts and Martin Henderson as the main cast. The movie just as its Japanese series was a commercial hit in America and recorded huge sales and won numerous awards, such as the Saturn award 2002, The Teen choice and MTV award, 2003 and this propelled the producers of this movie to produce another sequel of the Ring in 2005. The South Korean version of the Ring is called the Ring Virus. The version, just like the American movie borrows heavily from the plot of the book the Ring by Suzuki. The South Korean version is extremely similar to the Japanese version except on its cast and areas of production. This paper will analyze the American Version of the Ring versus Ringu, the Japanese version, highlighting its differences and how they attract their respective audience. It will examine the elements added or removed in these two adaptations in order to widen their appeal to the targeted audience. The American version of the Ringu, i.e. The Ring though similar in narration and theme, has a d ifferent plot from the Japanese Sequel of Ringu. The America version involves Katie Embry, who is 16 years old, Becca Kotler who is 17 years old. They discuss a cursed video tape that whoever watches it, must die. Katie reveals that seven days ago, in a cabin, she watched the movie and explains the curse that befalls those who watch the movie. The two friends laugh off but suddenly, after mysterious events, she collapses and dies. Becca witnesses these events which make her run mad and there after taken to mental hospital. In the Japanese movie, two teenagers involved are called Masami and Tomoko. Tomoko narrates the same story to Masami and in the event, Masami realizes that Tomoko is meant to die, and she dies suddenly. The differences in this plot are the sense that while Katie and Becca laughed off the legend of the cursed video tape, Tomoko and Masami took it seriously. The American version of the Ring is meant for American citizens and those who share a similar culture to them .Embry and Becca laugh off the superstitions surrounding the video tape, Masami and Tomoko take it seriously and belief on the existence of curses. In the American culture, curses are just beliefs and they cannot happen and therefore this aspect of the play appeals to a wider audience of the American society (Lacefield, 28). The Japanese are rather a superstitious people, they believe in their traditions and the power of curses, and this is the reason as to why Massimo believed in the cursed video tape, and that Tomino was meant to die. This aspect of the movie’s plot is attractive to the Japanese people since it appeals to their culture. Therefore, the directors of The Ring, in removing remorse as

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Conceptualization of Culture and Language in Post Colonial Literature Essay Example for Free

Conceptualization of Culture and Language in Post Colonial Literature Essay Culture and Language are the major issues in the post colonial theory. My assignment will deal with these three factors in terms of colonial perspectives. The post colonialism mainly explores the ideas such as cultural diversity, geographical dimensions, Diasporas, race, ethnicity, marginality, hybridity, national identities, cultural transformation, changes and politics in language etc†¦ Considerations of hybridity run the range from existential to material, political to economic, yet this discussion will not be able to tease out the extensive implications of each consideration. Rather, this discussion aims to explore the notion of hybridity theoretically, synthesizing the vast body of literature to critique essentialist notions of identity as fixed and constant. According to my understanding of Hybridity, there are three ways in which hybridity might serve as a tool for deconstructing the rigid labels that maintain social inequities through exclusion in race, language and nation. By exploring how the hybrid rejects claims of bonds within race, language, and nation, I understood that cultural studies like these are imperative in considering the politics of representation. For the purposes of this discussion, the cultural hybridity refers to the integration of cultural bodies, signs, and practices from the colonizing and the colonized cultures. The contemporary cultural landscape is an amalgam of cross-cultural influences, blended, patch-worked, and layered upon one another. Unbound and fluid, culture is hybrid and interstitial, moving between spaces of meaning. The notion of cultural hybridity has existed far before it was popularized in postcolonial theory as culture arising out of interactions between â€Å"colonizers† and â€Å"the colonized†. However, in this time after imperialism, globalization has both expanded the reach of Western culture, as well as allowed a process by which the West constantly interacts with the East, appropriating cultures for its own means and continually shifting its own signifiers of dominant culture. This hybridity is woven into every corner of society, from trendy fusion cuisine to Caribbean rhythms in pop music to the hyphenated identities that signify ethnic Americans, illuminating the lived experience of ties to a dominant culture blending with the cultural codes of a Third World culture. Framing Cultural Hybridity in post colonial context; Among postcolonial theorists, there is a wide consensus that hybridity arose out of the culturally internalized interactions between â€Å"colonizers† and â€Å"the colonized† and the dichotomous formation of these identities. Considered by some the father of hybrid theory, Homi Bhabha argued that colonizers and the colonized are mutually dependent in constructing a shared culture. His text The Location of Culture (1994) suggested that there is a â€Å"Third Space of Enunciation† in which cultural systems are constructed. In this claim, he aimed to create a new language and mode of describing the identity of Selves and Others. Bhabha says: It becomes crucial to distinguish between the semblance and similitude of the symbols across diverse cultural experiences such as literature, art, music, Ritual, life, death and the social specificity of each of these productions of meaning as they circulate as signs within specific contextual locations and social systems of value. The transnational dimension of cultural transformation migration, diaspora, displacement, relocation makes the process of cultural translation a complex form of signification. The naturalized, unifying discourse of nation, peoples, or authentic folk tradition, those embedded myths of cultures particularity, cannot be readily referenced. The great, though unsettling, advantage of this position is that it makes you increasingly aware of the construction of culture and the invention of tradition. In using words like â€Å"diaspora, displacement, relocation,† Bhabha illustrates the dynamic nature of culture, and the flimsy consistency of the historical narratives that cultures rely upon to draw boundaries and define themselves. As a result, culture cannot be defined in and of it, but rather must be seen within the context of its construction. More significantly, Bhabha draws attention to the reliance of cultural narratives upon the other. In illuminating this mutual construction of culture, studies of hybridity can offer the opportunity for a counter-narrative, a means by which the dominated can reclaim shared ownership of a culture that relies upon them for meaning. This theoretical erspective will serve as the foundation for the considerations explored in this paper, employing hybridity as a powerful tool for liberation from the domination imposed by bounded definitions of race, language, and nation. RACE: Racial hybridity, or the integration of two races which are assumed to be distinct and separate entities, can be considered first in terms of the physical body. Historically, the corporeal hybrid was birthed from two symbolic poles, a bodily representation of colonizer and colonized. These mixed births, mestizo, mulatto, muwallad, were stigmatized as a physical representation of impure blood, and this racism long served as a tool of power that maintained that even in this blending of two bodies, just â€Å"one drop† of black blood would deem the body impure and alien, an abomination. Institutionalized racism created a perpetual state of ambiguity and placelessness for the hybrid body and prevented cultural inclusion via race. However, the expanse of immigration since colonialism and the spectrum of shades of visible difference point to an increasingly hybrid populace in which these classifications of black and white no longer carry the same power of representation, yet the old labels persist. This labeling is significant as it elucidates the continuing power of racial labels in a society set on fixing bodies in racial space by binding them to labels, which are understood to contain fixed truths. I argue that utilizing the conceptual tool of hybridity to deconstruct these labels allows a means by which hybrid individuals can come together in powerful solidarity, rather than allowing their ambiguous place in racial space to render them invisible. Harnessing racial hybridity to project the simultaneously unique but common experience of hybridity can be a means by which the individual subject can join to a marginal community through stories and partial memories. Furthermore, racial hybridity must harness the dualistic experience of passing, or being mistaken for a race other than one’s own. All identities involve passing to some extent, in that a subject’s self can never truly match its image, but racial passing implicitly deconstructs the boundaries of Black and White. In passing, hybridity might function not as a conflict or struggle between two racial identities, but instead as constant movement between spaces, passing through and between identity itself without origin or arrival. The freedom to move between identities carries its own power in defying the claims of essentialized racial identity. Furthermore, the bounded labels of race do not account for the historical and geographic narratives that lie behind each body and inform their identity. In â€Å"Black Africans and Native Americans†, Jack Forbes explores the disconnect between racial labels and the consciousness of the bodies behind them using Native Americans and Africans as examples by which â€Å"groups are forced into arbitrary categories render their ethnic heritage simple rather than complex†. As a result, hybridity calls into question the boundaries of racial consciousness as a hybrid consciousness defies the imposed limits of race. The management of these identities becomes its own sort of performance, as the body negotiates each consciousness in different spaces. Again, the ability to play multiple roles, to â€Å"pass† in different arenas, carries significant power. In embodying the inability to bind identities to race, racial hybridity both in the physical body and in consciousness offers a means of deconstructing the boundaries of dichotomous racial identities. In addition to race, language has long been bound in definitions as a symbol of nation and a mode of exclusion. As a means to connect with other social beings, communicating with language is a meaningful performance in that speaking requires two parties, one to perform language and an audience to observe and absorb language. During colonialism, as the colonizer’s language dominated national institutions, the sense of being outside and â€Å"othered† was instilled in the colonized as their language and means of communication was stripped away. Now in a time after colonialism, can the colonized ever reclaim a language long lost, or has the colonizer’s language become their own? Has ownership of the colonizer’s language expanded over time? Fanon’s theorizing addresses the power of language in the formation of identity as he says, â€Å"To speak . . . means above all to assume a culture, to support the weight of a civilization,†. He suggests that speaking the language of the colonizer stands in as acceptance or coercion into accepting a role in culture. Yet in accepting a role, whether by choice or force, the meaning of the culture shifts and evolves. No longer does it â€Å"belong† to the colonizer, as it relies upon the colonized to give it shape. Similarly, with the introduction of a new set of users performing a language, the language no longer exists as it was; it has shifted in meaning. Beyond the thematic implications of language, hybridity has inspired an immense movement in literary discourse and understandings of the very way language is managed and owned. Herskovits developed the notion of syncretism, a theory attempting to explain why certain cultural forms are carried and others lost. Similarly, Claude Levi-Strauss developed the term bricolage to describe mixed forms within narratives. Creolization describes the linguistic blending of dominant and subdominant cultures. These examples illustrate the broad realm of studies that have developed simply around the use of hybridized language. In an analysis of the rise of the â€Å"hybrid genre† in postmodern literature, Kapchan and Strong say, â€Å"Hybridization has become one such analytic allegory, defining lines of interest and affiliation among scholars of popular and literary culture, perhaps quite unintentionally. The extent to which these authors use the metaphor of hybridity consciously and concisely differs. That they use it, however, qualifies hybridity as one of several tropes, or forms of metaphoric predication, that most epitomize the scholarship of the last decade,† . Not only does this observation imply that the body of hybridized literature is growing, harkening to the rising voices and representations of the hybrid, but that hybridity is becoming normalized as an accepted form of literature and the purist notion of genre is diminishing. Furthermore, the use of a colonizer’s language by the colonized to speak of the crimes of colonialism is its own transgression and act of resistance. In taking ownership of the language, changing the way that it is used, the boundaries of language as belonging to a specific place or race are dissolved. Jahan Ramazani’s Hybrid Muse is an analytical review of the poetry that has arisen from the hybridization of the English muse with the long-resident muses of Africa, India, the Caribbean, and other decolonizing territories of the British Empire (2001). A hybrid himself, Ramazani suggests that the use of indigenous metaphors, rhythms, creoles, and genres has allowed a new form of poetry that not only speaks of the violence and displacement of colonialism, but embodies it in its very form. These hybrid poetries can be viewed as a gateway to understanding those once deemed unfamiliar, and hybridity of language becomes a way by which to deconstruct borders and relate to collectives across cultural boundaries. Further, hybridity must interrogate the notion that nationality is essential zed in a distinct culture that geographic borders somehow embody inherent knowledge or truth about the people they contain. Mamdani asks, â€Å"How do you tell who is indigenous to the country and who is not? Given a history of migration, what is the dividing line between the indigenous and the nonindigenous? . He addresses the nationalist concern over entitlement to nation, and the indigenous wish to lay claim to culture. I understood that theories of hybridity, in clarifying the shifting and indefinite nature of culture, can serve as a tool that complicate the nationalist exclusionary practice of determining who does and does not have claim to a nation. From health care to immigration, h is arguments resonate loudly with current events. Similarly, we must consider the ways in which the â€Å"things† that give culture meaning are unfixed and variable, negating essentialist arguments about inherent meanings of culture. In The Predicament of Culture, James Clifford (1988) analyzes sites including anthropology, museums, and travel writing to take a critical ethnography of the West and its shifting relationships with other societies. He demonstrates how â€Å"other† national cultures are in fact fictions and mythical narratives, and we must ask the question of representation and who has the authority to speak for a group’s identity. In his article â€Å"Diasporas†, he suggests that â€Å"The old localizing strategies by bounded community, by organic culture, by region, by center and periphery may obscure as much as they reveal†. Diaspora is defined as a history of dispersal, myths/memories of the homeland, alienation in the host country, desire for eventual return, ongoing support of the homeland, and a collective identity importantly defined by this relationship. In this consideration of culture, we understand the vast connotations of displacement, from asking which history the diasporic should identify with to asking if it is even possible to return to a homeland one never knew or left long ago. Second, in the representation of culture, be it by petrifying culture in a museum or nailing it to an anthropological account, the risk lies in taking these subjective moments as truths or knowledge. Furthermore, the far-reaching diasporic symbols and narratives that snowball into this thing we call national culture suggest that culture is itself a traveler collecting artifacts from various locations along the way, and its walls are too insubstantial to be used as a means of exclusion. Third and perhaps most significant, hybridity in a postcolonial world muddles the very definitions of culture by which nations define themselves. Given that nationalism is founded upon a collective consciousness from shared loyalty to a culture, one would assume this culture is well-defined. Yet the â€Å"solid† roots of historical and cultural narratives that nations rely upon are diasporic, with mottled points of entry at various points in time. An investigation of the roots of cultural symbols like folk stories, religion, and music would reveal sources varied and wide-ranging. Furthermore, culture is defined in relationship to other cultures. Edward Said’s Orientalism (1979) offers a strong description of the system by which nations appropriate from others to define themselves. He suggests Orientalism â€Å"has helped to define Europe as its contrasting image, idea, personality, experience†. Using a theoretical framework influenced by Gramsci’s notion of hegemonic culture and Foucault’s notion of discourse, Said draws significant attention to the intricate and complex process by which the West must use the East to construct itself, its culture, its meaning. In an illuminating excerpt describing the process of Orientalism, he writes: To formulate the Orient, to give it shape, identity, definition with full recognition of its place in memory, its importance to imperial strategy, and its ‘natural’ role as an appendage to Europe; to dignify all the knowledge collected during colonial occupation with the title ‘contribution to modern learning; when the natives had neither been consulted nor treated as anything except as pretexts for a text whose usefulness was not to the natives; to feel oneself as a European in command, almost at will, of Oriental history, time, and geography to make out of every observable detail a generalization and out of every generalization an immutable law about the Oriental nature, temperament, mentality, custom, or type; and, above all, to transmute living reality into the stuff of texts, to possess actuality mainly because nothing in the Orient seems to resist one’s powers. † In a st ream of fragments, Said shows the diverse processes by which dominant cultures are formed at the service of Others. Using words like â€Å"shape,† â€Å"definition,† and â€Å"transmute,† he describes the act of defining nation and the artificial nature of these boundaries. Said offers a theoretical means by which to reject nationalist divisions between an us and Them, a West and Other. This conceptualization of the ways in which nations determine not only their own national identities, but the identities of Other is powerful in revealing the inherently hybrid roots of national culture. Studies of national identity are thus essential in deconstructing xenophobic nationalist claims to nation and the resulting miscegenation of immigrant Others. CONCLUSION This discussion draws from the body of postcolonial literature to suggest that studies of cultural hybridity are powerful in probing the bounded labels of race, language, and nation that maintain social inequalities. By examining how the hybrid can deconstruct boundaries within race, language, and nation, I understood that hybridity has the ability to empower marginalized collectives and deconstruct bounded labels, which are used in the service of subordination. In essence, hybridity has the potential to allow once subjugated collectivities to reclaim a part of the cultural space in which they move. Hybridity can be seen not as a means of division or sorting out the various histories and diverse narratives to individualize identities, but rather a means of reimagining an interconnected collective. Like the skin on a living body, the collective body has a surface that also feels and â€Å"Borders materialize as an effect on intensifications of feeling and individual and collective bodies surface through the very orientations we take to objects and others,† In the description that Formations our orientations can be shifted, our feelings towards Others transformed, there is a possibility of redefining our exclusionary systems of labeling. Furthermore, breaking down immaterial borders through explorations of hybridity offers the possibility of more effective public policy, one that refers to the broad expanse of its diverse population. Frenkel and Shenhav did an illuminating study on the ways in which studies of hybridity have allowed management and organization studies to manage their longstanding western hegemonic practices and to incorporate postcolonial insights into the organizational literature revolving around the relationships between Orientalism and organizations. The willingness of institutions to reform their long held ideologies in light of a changing world, as well as to consider their work through alternative lenses, is an essential practice in deconstructing the bindings of narratives-as-knowledge. In the boundary-shifting process, there is power in the notion of deconstruction in the service of reconstruction, breaking down boundaries in order to form a more inclusive sense of the collectivity. Furthermore, hybridity asserts the notion that representations of collective identity must be analyzed contextually. When we examine a representation of culture, be it in a film, poem, or speech, we should ask: Who is doing the representing? What are the implications of the representation? Why are they engaging in the process of representation? What is the historical moment that informs the representation? How are they being represented? In addition to the questions explored in this paper, I would recommend applying theories of hybridity to a realm beyond race and nation, in order to consider alternative boundaries such as gender and sexuality. The work of hybrid theorists from Bhabha to Said suggests that there is a vast intellectual landscape for cultural inquiries like these. Our mission must be to continue this work and to delve deeper. Cultural studies have great potential to liberate us from the socially-given boundaries that so stubbornly limit our capacity for thought and discussion, but we must take time to join in a collective critique of the knowledge we ingest and disperse. After all, the greatest power lies in the heart of the collective.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Napoleonic Era Essay Example for Free

The Napoleonic Era Essay Napoleon’s impact has been so great that an entire historical time period bears his name, the Napoleonic Era. For over a decade, he was to be the master of Europe—but he was also a man. During the Triumvirate and Despotate in 1799 to 1804 CE and 1804 to 1815 CE, respectively, Napoleon made several errors (Rose, 2006). First of all, he suffered greatly due to an impediment at Eylau, Leipzig, Borodino, and the ultimately at Waterloo.   Napoleon’s decision not to establish a treaty with other players such as Austria (in a Paris-Vienna axis) in the balance of power was his first major setback. The treaty could have helped him maintain the power of Britain and simultaneously gain and improve his peripherals and palatinates within Italy. Not only will this improve his power over Italy but also to the Autarchy of Naples, Dutch-Belgian demarcation, the Helvetian Republic and the Piedmont Kingdom. Another mistake that he committed was the two-front war. Napoleon wages war over Russia and Iberian promontory in the year 1807 up to 1814 CE. He even made an error regarding the unity among his troops, which was divided when he appointed four different marshals having different military and social backgrounds. Napoleon also misjudged military activities by the sea, which resulted to a weak line of defense, or no defense at all, from the Mediterranean up to the Atlantic (Coakley, 1992). Second, with regards to economic warfare, Napoleon’s Berlin Blockade, then modified to Continental Blockade, ultimately produced negative effects or results for France, exciting dissidence and unrest. In the east, he failed with a tripartite incursion of the Swedish throne. He also failed with the Ottoman Empire’s symmachia that was directed to Russia. As a result, the attention of Russia was brought upon Napoleon’s intentions, putting him near the edge of winning. Lastly, Napoleon miscalculated the size of the phalanxes at the Russian Campaign (Stocqueler, 1852). This eventually rendered him unable to gain victory over Russia. In the end, all of Napoleon’s mistakes are the fruit of his unwavering ego. References Coakley, T. P. (1992). Command and Control for War and Peace: Diane Publishing Company. Rose, J. H. (2006). The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815: Adamant Media Corporation. Stocqueler, J. H. (1852). The Life of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington. New York: Ingram, Cooke and Co.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Major battles of crusades

Major battles of crusades The three major battles of the crusades are the sieges of Antioch, Sidon, and Acre. This essay will explain the three major battles and its results. The battle of Antioch was during the first crusade and was fought over the city of Antioch. Second is the siege of Sidon during the Norwegian crusade. Finally is the siege of Acre where the crusaders try to gain control of Jerusalem. The first major battle is the battle of Antioch. This siege occurred in the first crusade. The major leaders of this crusade were Godfrey of Bouillon, Bohemund of Taranto, and Raymond IV of Toulhouse. The major leaders of the Seljuk Turks were Yaghi Siyan, Kerbogha, and Toghtekin. The Crusaders arrived just outside the city of Antioch at the Orontes River. Shortly after this the army under Duqaq of Damascus arrived. These armies attacked the crusaders and came to aid and relieve the city of Antioch. Also one of the major crusader leaders became sick and there was a earthquake. Not to mention there was also a great famine, and many of the crusaders were starving. Next in May 1908 a Seljuk Turk army approached under a Muslim named Kerbogha. While the Muslim approached the crusader army became desperate. So Bohemund a crusader leader came into contact with Fiouz a Seljuk Turk inside the city to convince him to open the gates. Fiouz told Bohemund to plan a siege at night and to scale the cities walls and he would open the gates. The crusaders did exactly what he said and he kept true to his word and opened the gates. As a massacre occurred the crusaders gained control over the city. Finally, is the second siege even though the crusaders had most of the control over the city the Muslim army under Kerbogha had just arrived. The Seljuk Turks formed there own siege over the city. The crusaders decided to come out of the city and face the advancing armies. Kerbogha thought his army outnumbered the crusaders but as they started to fire armies retreated therefore the Crusaders actually outnumbered the Turks. Seeing this the Muslims retreated and the Crusaders won. The outcome of the first crusade was the Norwegian Crusade in which the siege of Sidon took place. The leaders of the Norwegian Crusade were Sigurd the Norwegian king and Baldwin I of Jerusalem. Today Sidon is Lebanon. Also Skulason gives a valid description of the battle. The Norsemens king, the skalds relate, Has taen the heathen town of Saet:the slinging engine with dread noise Gables and roofs with stones destroys. The town wall totters too,-it falls; The Norsemen mount the blackened walls. He who stains red the ravens bill, has won,-the town lies at his will. The way the Crusaders attacked the city was the Norwegians attacked by sea and Baldwins army attacked by land. The city of Sidon fell to the Crusaders after only forty-seven days. Last of all, is the Third crusade. This Crusade includes the two year siege of Acre; the seaport of Jerusalem. The commanders on the crusaders side are Richard, Phillip, Guy, Robert, and Gerard. The commanders of the opposing army were Saladin. While the crusaders were running into problems; Saladin was unifying the Muslim world. At the battle of Hattin Saladin determinedly defeated the Crusaders. Now the Crusaders only controlled Tyre, Tripoli, and Antioch. After Europe found out the loss of Jerusalem there was an order for a new crusade. Then Guy led his army outside the city of Acre. Where he set up camp and waited for reinforcements. Saladin moved to the east to confront the Crusader army. As they fought the Crusaders lost only ten thousand men. Even though Saladins army partially won they could not afford to push the crusaders back more with another battle. In conclusion, those were the results of the three sieges. The three major points are the siege of Antioch, Sidon and Acre. The first Siege which was the siege of Antioch. The Crusaders successfully captured the city of Antioch. Second is the Norwegian Crusade in the attempt to capture the city of Sidon which was successfully done in just forty-seven days. Lastly, The third crusade during this time they tried to captured the city of Acre. Even though there attempts to capture the city fell the still succeeded a little.

Volcanic Eruptions and Global Climate Change Essay -- Geology Global W

Volcanic Eruptions and Global Climate Change Abstract There has been much debate in recent decades over how much volcanic eruptions contribute to global climate change, the destruction of the ozone layer, and global warming. This electronic term paper deals with various sides of this debate. There will be a specific focus on the great nineteenth century eruptions of Tambora and Krakatoa. Table of Contents Introduction The Effects of Volcanoes on the Earth Systems in General The 18-- Eruption of Tambora and its Effects on the Earth Systems The 1883 Eruption of Krakatoa and its Effects on the Earth Systems Why Some Scientists are Saying that Volcanoes Do Not Have a Great Effect on Global Change Conclusion References Introduction Since the beginning of time, volcanoes have been erupting on Earth. Millions of years ago, they created the continents, and the gases they produced condensed in the atmosphere to rain and form the oceans. Today, volcanic eruptions are some of the most feared natural disasters on the face of our planet. Their destructive forces are powerful enough to wipe out entire cities and kill countless numbers of people and wildlife. There are, however, other effects of volcanic eruptions that we don't hear about on the news. One eruption actually has the power to decrease the temperature all over the globe and create a dust cloud that could linger as long as five years. Magma also contains gases that make a small but significant contribution to ozone depletion. The gargantuan eruptions of Tambora and Krakatoa in the nineteenth century, which will soon be discussed, are great examples of how volcanic eruptions affect global climate change. The Effects of Volcanoes on the Earth S... .... Available from: Mattox, Steve. Volcanic Gases. (1998). Web site. Available from: NASA Facts. Volcanoes and Global Climate Change. (1998). Web site. Available from: Bunce, Nigel and Jim Hunt. The Greatest Explosion. (1996). Web site. Available from: Volcano World. Images of Volcanoes. (1996). Web site. Available from: Environmental Protection Agency Stratospheric Protection Division. Myth: Volcanoes and Oceans are Causing Ozone Depletion. (1997). Web site. Available from:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

According to Kotler et al. (2010) believes the concept of positioning in marketing is identify customer needs, establish processes, innovate and implement products. When a company knows or determine their target market segments, they have to understand what are their positions, where are they now? Where they want them to be in those segments. Also, the product's position are very important to other competitive products because in the market there are so many choices which consumers can make a buying decision. However, once the product can occupies and leaves a good impression in the customer's mind immediately they are going to choose those products by the next time. Therefore, to create a unique value and position with customers are significant especially in hotel brand's management as well as other product's brand, they must have a clear concept and purpose to use their employees reaching company's goal. For hotel Golden Arch to make itself novel so they were trying to make something unique and differentiate itself from other hotels because they think it is going to work well and can attract more guests come to the hotel, they were using a concept by replacing â€Å"the traditional hotel industry applied job specialization and hierarchy system† Michel (2005, p.4). For examples, the guest can check-in and out of the hotel at the airport, use the foldable-wall technology for meeting room, comfortable bed, especially make the shower projected into the bedroom and the McDonald's restaurant located exactly next to the hotel which means that customers have one more option for their meal but other competitors they do not. From McDonald and Dunbar (2004, p.34) suggest that â€Å" market segmentation being the process of splitting custom... seems like not so many people stay in the hotel, it was very quiet, unpleasant behaviour, no activity and they thought that the hotel would be one to two stars, they didn't expect it would be a four star hotel. Due to these reasons the company didn't success because the Golden Arches is a four star hotel, they are depending on the luxury type like other four and five star hotel. Although they were using their product's brand expand into hotel industry even for the design concept is like using everywhere with the existing logo of McDonald for example, like in the picture shown that on the head of the bed was painting with a shaped of yellow arches, from what they saw immediately they will think about McDonald's brand. Furthermore, because it is a four star hotel and next to the hotel is a fast food restaurant which cannot match with the concept of four star hotel.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Societys Restrictive Roles for Women Exposed in The Awakening Essay

In the late 1800's, as well as the early 1900's, women felt discriminated against by men and by society in general. Men generally held discriminatory and stereotypical views of women. Women had no control over themselves and were perceived to be nothing more than property to men. They were expected to live up to a perfect image that society had created, while trying to comply with their husbands' desires. While many women felt dissatisfied with their lives, they would not come out and say it. However, in 1899, Kate Chopin wrote The Awakening, which showed women that they were not alone. This novel showed the discriminatory views and treatment towards women. It also distinctly indicates the dissatisfaction that women felt in their lives. Because of the roles that society has given them, women are not able to seek and fulfill their own psychological and sexual drives. In The Awakening, Chopin uses Edna Pontellier to show that women do not want to be restricted by the roles th at society has placed on them. Because of the time she lived in, Edna felt oppressed just because she was a woman. Being a married woman and a mother made her feel even more tied down. By looking at the relationship between Edna and her husband, Leonce, we see that men treated women as if they were nothing more than possessions or property. They had no respect for their wives, mothers, or even their daughters as they constantly treated them like housemaids who were there to answer to their every call. Even Edna's father thinks that his daughter is her husband's property. We see this when he says "You are far too lenient, too lenient by far, Leonce. Authority, coercion are what is needed. Put your foot down good and hard; the only way to manage a wife" (Chopin 663). This is her own father telling her husband that he needs to be tougher on her. Chopin is clearly showing the inequality of women here. Nowadays, you would never find a father telling his son-in-law to be harder on his daughter. This was some thing that Edna would not accept. Chopin cleverly adds that it was this same treatment from her father that killed her mother. "The colonel was perhaps unaware he had coerced his own wife into her grave" (Chopin 663). "She would, through habit, have yielded to his desire; not with any sense of submission or obedience to his compelling wishes, but unthinki... ...lso, Chopin shows the effect that society can have on a woman. While some may be able to handle the pressure, others, such as Edna, cannot. This was evident by her suicide. "Consequently, this ending diminishes Edna's stature and perforce reduces the significance of her rebellion" (Conn 165). Although her suicide defeated the purpose of her awakening, which was to be free, Edna was still successful in showing that women do not want to be restricted by the roles that society has placed on them. Bibliography Chopin, Kate. "The Awakening." Literature: Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically. 2nd ed. Ed. Sylvan Barnet et al. New York: Longman, 1997. 607-699. Aull Ph.D., Felice. "Kate Chopin: The Awakening." Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database. 34th ed. (April 1999). Online. New York University. Internet. 10 April 1999. Available: Bender, Brent. "The Teeth of Desire: The Awakening and The Descent of Man." American Literature. Sept. 1991 (459-474). Conn, Peter. The Divided Mind: Ideology and Imagination in America, 1898-1917 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1983), pp. 165, 167.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gender Factor Of Ill Health Health And Social Care Essay

These stereotyped outlooks are normally referred to as gender functions. Gender affects many facets of life, specially. In this article I ‘ll concentrate on depicting how gender is a critical determiner of wellness and unwellness and how gender determines the differential power of commanding work forces and adult females over the their wellness and lives, their societal place, position and intervention in society and their susceptibleness and exposure to specific wellness hazards. Besides I will advert the differences between work forces and adult females from a wellness position, beside its relation with nursing ( Rodney K, 2000 ) . Many research workers, including life scientists, sociologists, have attempted to explicate some of the grounds why differences in illness occur. Sociological accounts frequently focus on life manner differences. For illustration, females may be treated as the weaker sex in some states and their medical concerns may be downplayed or ignored. Limited fiscal resorts may restrict entree to wellness attention installations. Women ‘s function as the primary attention giver of the kids may hold both positive and negative impacts on her wellness. If the adult female stays at place to raise her household, she may hold less exposure to occupational jeopardies such as chemicals in the workplace ( McGuire, 2002 ) . On the other manus, she may hold higher exposure to household indoor air pollutants. She may besides hold less contact with people with whom she may be able to vent her concerns and Frustration. Differences in behaviours may besides play a function in differences in p prevalence of disease. Males tend to be hazard takers, tobacco users, and devour intoxicant more to a great extent than adult females. Men tend to be more loath to encompass prevent I on schemes. This has contributed to the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Dietary differences, with adult females devouring less protein and Ca, may lend to anemia and increased osteoporosis hazard in females ( Abreu, Jose M, 2001 ) . Gender differences occur peculiarly in the rates of common wellness upsets – depression, anxiousness and bodily ailments and deceasing. These upsets, in which adult females predominate, affect about 1 in 3 people in the community and represent a serious public wellness job. It is well-known that in most developed states adult females outlive work forces. In 1996 in the UK a miss ‘s life anticipation at birth is higher than male child ‘s life anticipation. Although the ratio of male to female births ( 1:1.05 in 1991 ) might look to give males an advantage, males in fact have higher rates of decease ( Meltzer H, 1995 ) . There are many differences that account for work forces and adult females regard wellness issues, but far off from medical side, traditional gender functions define maleness as holding power and being in control in emotional state of affairss, in the workplace, and in sexual relationships. Acceptable male behaviours include fight, independency, assertiveness, aspiration, assurance, stamina, choler, and even force. Traditional muliebrity is defined as being nurturing, supportive, and delegating high precedence to one ‘s relationships. Womans are expected to be emotionally expressive, dependent, inactive, concerted, warm, and accepting of subsidiary position in matrimony and employment. Competitiveness, assertiveness, choler, and force are viewed as unfeminine and are non by and large tolerated as acceptable female behaviour ( Baljit M, 1995 ) . Furthermore there are many differences in male and female respect wellness issue get clearer, discernible and reaches a extremum in late adolescence and early maturity. Plenty of surveies have shown that those differences are in some facets of wellness non all. The British Health and Lifestyle Survey showed an extra in adult females of depression and jobs with nervousnesss, and as a group, sometimes differences could be obvious in certain symptoms, such as concerns and fatigue are some sorts of wellness jobs. Another survey from WHO showed that Women are more likely to seek aid from and unwrap wellness jobs to their primary wellness attention doctor while work forces are more likely to seek specializer wellness attention and are the chief users of inmate attention ( Rosenfield S, 1989 ) . Work forces are more likely than adult females to unwrap jobs with intoxicant usage to their wellness attention supplier. In one of the experiments done in one of the Americans laps on one 1000 work forces and adult females, the consequences showed that adult females have a higher prevalence for haemorrhoids at most ages, and of arthritis and rheumatism at older ages ; but it besides suggested a male surplus of digestive upsets, asthma and back problem in younger maturity, and as expected a male surplus in bosom disease at older ages. Other consequences pointed out that work forces in the United States suffer more terrible chronic conditions and have higher decease rates for all 15 prima causes of decease, and die about seven old ages younger than adult females. Another research proved that adult females who have small instruction are less likely to have wellness attention, particularly prenatal attention and aid from trained wellness forces during the bringing of their babes. More a dult females with no instruction reported costs as a barrier to seeking wellness attention ( CDHS, 2000 ) . In add-on to all above, technological and medical progresss may hold an impact on the result of disease intervention between the sexes. For old ages, females w e rhenium excluded from drug tests, partially due to the fright of inauspicious foetal results if the female would go on to go pregnant while on an Investigational drug. It was frequently assumed ( on occasion falsely ) that females would react to the drug the same as males. However, females today are now more likely to be included in drug tests and the consequences of these tests may demo that females react likewise or otherwise to a drug. Likewise, some surgical interventions may be more technically hard on females due to smaller organ or blood vas size. This may do more surgical complications and lead to increased morbidity or mortality rates in females. As surgical techniques better, one may observe the complication rate differences between the sexes to decrease ( K Hinds, 2001 ) . However, health-related beliefs and behaviours are of import subscribers to these differences. Men by and large are more likely than adult females to follow beliefs and behaviours that increase their hazards, and are less likely to prosecute in behaviours that are linked with wellness. There are a figure of possible beliefs and accounts for differences in work forces ‘s and adult females ‘s wellness have been put frontward. These include biological hazards, acquired hazards associating to different behaviours or exposures, and differences in the leaning to acknowledge unwellness and to describe symptoms of ill-health, and different entree to, and usage of, wellness attention ( Petticrew K, 1973 ) . Furthermore, gender differences in wellness and wellness attention are good documented. Women by and large experience poorer wellness than work forces, although some surveies have shown that the way and magnitude of gender differences in wellness may change harmonizing to the peculiar wellness result. Determinants of gender differences in wellness include biological ( e.g. familial and hormonal factors ) , psychological ( e.g. gender images and individualities, chronic stressors ) , behavioural ( smoke, imbibing, feeding, physical exercising ) and societal factors ( e.g. societal support, socio-economic position ) . Research on forms of wellness attention use suggests that, in general, adult females have higher use rates of medical services than work forces, after commanding for wellness results, although differences might be little. Assorted accounts for adult females ‘s greater service usage have been suggested: differences in societal function, wellness cognition, wellness p osition, sensitiveness to symptoms, willingness to describe wellness jobs, credence of aid seeking, conformity with intervention ( Sabo D, 1995 ) . In amount, adult females have more frequent unwellness and disablement, but It is well-known that in most developed states adult females outlive work forces, but the jobs are typically non serious ( life endangering ) 1s. In contrast, work forces suffer more from life endangering diseases, and these do more lasting disablement and earlier decease for them. One sex is â€Å" sicker † in the short tally, and the other in the long tally. There is no contradiction between the wellness and mortality statistics since both points to more serious wellness jobs for work forces ( Gordon DF, 1995 ) .