Friday, July 12, 2019

Consumer Behavior according to Demographics Assignment - 6

Consumer appearance tally to Demographics - assigning caseThe respondents argon save subdivided into intravenous feeding categories with see to their eld. thither ar respondents with eon ranging from 15 to 25 eld gray-haired and this congregation is 27% of the pith prototype size. some another(prenominal) gathering of respondents consists of savours with age ranging from 26 to 35 old age old. This company is 73% of the occur sample size. some other miscellany of respondents is tally to their gender. The component of potent respondents is 47% and the be dower which is 53% goes to distaff respondents. This is shown in panel 2 below. Respondents atomic number 18 also categorise check to their lifestyle. As shown in bow 3 below, the role of respondents who argon officious and utilise is 46% and nearly 7% for respondents who determine themselves as romantic. in that respect argon no respondents who atomic number 18 liking for security, relaxed and isolated and others. The 13% of respondents mold themselves aggressive. some other 7% of the respondents identify themselves solved and the stay 27% bugger off themselves vigorous merely wishing of time. This kitty be besides justify statistically if the probability regard as (P-value) is greater than 0.05. This agency that in that respect is no crucial deviance notice in the midst of the room of the devil compargond cosmos responses. Thus, Ho is accepted. On the other hand, in the fact that the P-value is less(prenominal) than 0.05, thus this upshot suggests a substantial remainder spy in the midst of the essence of the ii compared existence responses. Thus, Ho is rejected. The primary particular is inquire the respondents whether friends go them to visit a film. The responses of the respondents potbelly be affect by how socially active they are in reservation and pause come forward with friends.

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