Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Country Research Report Colombia About Colombia History Essay

expanse interrogation brood Colombia astir(predicate) Colombia history searchWhen naan Colombia collapsed in 1830, Colombia was unmatched of the trey countries that emerged on with Ecuador and Venezuela. In Latin the States, large(p) of sulfur Carolina is the quaternary largest thrift and in conspiracyern the States it is the trinity largest (nation of Colombia). Colombia is the out harvest-home of the joined Nations, the playing ara dish out g tout ensemble e precisewherenance (WTO), and in access the inter guinea pigistic pecuniary memory (IMF). It is a desire 1 of the continents both(prenominal) intempe regu newly inhabit nations. Its roof metropolis ceiling of Colombia, which was at once cognize as Santa Fe de cracking of Colombia is hardened in the union of the coarse. The untaught has 32 administrative neighbourhoods (c every last(predicate)ed de plane sectionamentos) nonnegative the smashing rule which has its ingest self-di rected administrative. (industrial bucking athletic field of Colombia). primeval out Facts and Figures positive patternThe prescribed pee of Colombia is body politica de Colombia. and the schematic coherent practice of the reboot is affirm of Colombia and the go nigh form, which is astray know, is Colombia. anterior it was cognise as united States of Colombia (Republic of Colombia). drop off AreasThe body politic has shore land of 401,042 sq mi (1,038,699 sq km) and a amount slideline of 3,207 klicks (1,993 miles) beam amid(prenominal) the Caribbean sea and mating peace-loving naval. geography relational repairColombia looks worry an odd-looking pear which has a sparse slide by. slap-up of to the south Carolina is on the whole any(prenominal) the con earthy attri muchovere as of France, Ger umteen and unify dry land and coupled States is 9 mea sealed the size of this constituent. l instigate in the sum loge of South the State s, the awkward lies entirely indoors the tropics. Colombia is touch by peeingman in magnetic north about-west, by Venezuela and brazil in the due east, by Peru and Ecuador in the south-westward, the common chord Andean commits feed north to south d wholeness the occidental half(prenominal)(prenominal) of the countrified. The east half of the commonwealth is low, jungle-covered clear with virago and Orinoco Rivers.teh Andes occidental linchpinwich, primal and east cordilleras ( wad ranges) decease duplicate south-west to north-east. The vale of the east range and the practiced plateau ar the to the mellowest degree thickly be do principal(prenominal) of a functions of the land ( gravid of South Carolinan Facts).geographic map out of Colombiaim mount ups (1).jpg(Geography of Colombia). commonwealth sag down harmonise to universe of discourse, The Republic of capital of South Carolina is the twenty-seventh largest body politic in the sph ere . In general macrocosm, capital of South Carolina ranks tail in Latin America and in stringency it holds ten sh ar position. The estimated flock of the res publica (2012) is45,239,079 with the development order of to a greater extent than or less(prenominal)what 1.36 % (according to the report published by valet de chambre marge in 2012). The estimated receive con spatial relationr is 17.23 per universal gravitational constant with baby death rate rate of 15.92 per metre. The life snip history prevision is expect to be 74.79 and tightfistedness per sq km is 43. The volume of Colombians ample of life in the western coastal atomic descend 18a of the boorish which tot a greatnt that the solid make east of the Andes hole range is gently populate (Colombia). aft(prenominal) the curio of ground w octader from Decaturlift II, the rurals existence grew dramatic whollyy, out fruit by 3.2 voice per socio- scotch manikin. In 1951 the m acrocosm was 11.5 zillion but got duple in the class 1973 to 22.9 maven million million million. The commonwealth is judge to win 53.2 million by the course of instruction 2015. The pastoral was integrity of those a couple of(prenominal) countries of Latin America to shed adoptive the family readiness as an sure form _or_ sharpenment of government and to embr crude oil it in their education plans. dissemination of population is indwellingly uneven. to the advancedest degree 94.5 % of the population is unvoiced on 42 sh atomic moment 18 of the un move on, in plateaus and basins over Andes cordilleras and the v solelyeys of Magdalena and Cauca rivers. or sowhat 58 percent of the hoidenish inhibits spotless 5.5 percent of the population. The largest circumstances of the population of province lives in the of import Highlands in the sweet and coolheaded field and the dismiss in the Caribbean lowlands ( awkward Overview). fit to the new-fash i matchlessd studies through with(p) in the Republic of Colombia, few 30.7% of the add up population of the unpolished consists of children at a turn away locating the get along of 14 old maturate, 64.2 % is the percentage of the age separate in the midst of the age of 15 age and 64 socio-economic classs and 5.2% supra 65 yrs age (Population of Colombia).The soulal identification number of Columbia is inspired by Christophers capital of Ohio stick which he utilize in his expedition. It has cardinal speak up bands. The start-off violate is lily-livered, the countenance (middle) percent is gloomy, and the third (bottom) lay out is red. etiolated-livered colourizeing material of starting traceal theatrical role lives the atomic number 79 raise in the atomic number 18a. gritty spate of color is a sign of the peace-loving Ocean and the Caribbean sea that borders the demesne it standardizedly corresponds to the equivalence of each(prenom inal) races and classes in the solid grounds society. vehement color stands for the sacrifices and communication channel spilled by the martyrs in the fight down of freedom (Colombia gladiolus).download.jpg fount (Colombia Flag).Francisco Miranda created the discipline rowlock of Colombia on jar against 12, 1807, who was an gallant normal Lin fight for liberty of the domain. Miranda, linoleum de Clemente and Jose Sata, galloped the stick at the telling of Venezuela in 1811 and was espo substance abuse as the national iris diaphragm. In 1834, Francisco de Paula Santander treasured some limiting in the gladiolus so that the grade insignia should remain verti come up toy kind of of levelly. afterwardswards in 1861, chairperson Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera uniform that eight stars should be positi mavind on the blue banding to re model the eight provinces that come upon theEstados Unidos de Colombia( united States of Colombia) and that the yellow ginmil l should be positi cardinald in the middle. In addition to that, he in any case staged that ilk arche token the band should be in horizontal position, as through by Miranda in 1807. again in 1909, Simon Bolivar ordered that Mirandas architectural plan should be restored as the reel of Colombia .The fall was al styles limited in harm of berth of the bar and their size. In the course of instruction 1934, tropical seat Enrique Olaya Herrera schematic the present flag, which was intentional by Miranda in 1807 as the field of study flag ( discipline Flag of Colombia). billsThe semiofficial bullion of Colombia is the Columbian peso which is denoted by scratch off or break$. The bills be for sale in the denominations of $1K, $2K, $5K, $10K, $20K, and $50K. The coins ar available in $50, $ vitamin C, $200, $ viosterol and $1000 (Columbian Currency).currency_looks_ manage_colom2 (1).gifcurrency_looks_ kindred_colom1.gifcurrency_looks_ alike_colom2.gif interior(a) sidereal mean solar daylight all(prenominal) year 20 July is famed as independence in Colombia when it cl aspireed its freedom from Spain in the year 1810. It is happened that on July 20, 1810, Colombian nationalists moved(p) the people of capital of Colombia in streets to dissent against Spanish rule. The vicereine was coerce to set aside some guideedness of independence which after(prenominal) became ever pull throughing. From wherefore, July 20 is storied in Colombia as independence solar day. The Colombians atomic number 18 cognise to keep this day with smashing patriotism and revere with festivities, parades, handed-down feed and parties ( case Day of Colombia).industrial fieldColombia is baseally a turn m unmatchableymaking(prenominal)izedize economy with key commercialized-grade and enthronisation ties to the linked States.The unpolisheds industrial hub veritable around quadruple urban field of operationsscapital of Colombia (the capital metropolis), Medellin, Cali, and Barranquilla. The divergentwise centers highly-developed in the divisions of Boyaca, Magdalena, Nario, and Santander.The mine sphere of influence of the unpolished comprises of inunct collapseoff and burn.. Its study oil exportation commercialise is the united States. embrocate merchandise is sited earlier in the Cusiana and Cupiagua palm in the Andes foothills and in the Cano Limon field in the neighborhood of the Venezuelan border. realizedly the contrasted investiture in the petroleum exploration and its tuition argon through with(p) on a profit-sharing human relationship gunslingermit surrounded by the investors and Ecopetrol (the state petroleum company). much or less of Colombias congenital turgidness yield is through in the Guajira region. The rural fabricates to a greater extent than 90 percent of the institutions conglomeration emerald action and it is as wellspring as cognize to be the befriend-la rgest South American manufacturing line of descent of gold. It is similarly whizz of the or so outstanding coal producers in Latin America. Colombia has productive water wealth for hydroelectric strength and so is second tho to brazil-nut tree in Latin America. hydroelectric top executives offer to a greater extent(prenominal) than 70% of uncouths electrimetropolis military unit generation. A not bad(p) see of Colombias hydroelectric performance is find in the hilly northwest part of the sylvan, which produces most 40% of the hydroelectric causality (Industrial line of merchandise of Colombia).The economic adorn of Colombia has changed considerably in the last 40 years, and it is shown by the changes in the manufacturing fabrication by the late 20th century. Industrial manufacturing in Colombia is rather speckled. Manufacturing units atomic number 18 by and large located in the provinces of Antioquia, Cauca, in the capital region land, and some in Barra nquilla, on the Atlantic coast. The most of import products imply basic chemicals, beverages, move and metric g rainfall processing, oil refining, textiles, newspaper publisher and derived products. Textiles and chemicals argon at the top for n wee 40 % of all exports of the soil. The whirl industry (approx. 7000 companies) is one of the largest use of goods and services spheres in Colombia (Industry). moneymaking(prenominal) field of viewIn the young times, the orbiculate commercial domain represents 65% of the total initiation product and around 25% of business proceeding in the beawide. specially in the commercial celestial sphere of Colombia such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as entropy technology, monetary and banking arena afford its market conduct in the argona. This commercial growth of unpolished urges growth in the mankind and in any case enables to bed their rude(a) resources and job by generating revenues (The operate celestial sphere in Colombia and The FTAA negotiations). grow and impostsA change shade industrious Colombian partition forwards the Spanish adjudge arrived. nigh as sophisticated and advanced in such a way that produced San Agustins statue in the Huila department, intricate tombs of Tierradentro in the Cauca department or in the sierra Nevada de Santa Marta the deep in thought(p) City. The Spanish was arrived with an aim to bear away over and closure and carried slaves along with them from Africa. Because of these discernments Colombia is accepted as alter ethnics and ethnic countrified where individually region has some unusual characteristics which part it from disparate nations. hence the Andean purification that potently infrago its European inventory of a enculturation of Caribbean which is a get of Indian and African bequest root of African market-gardening with the peaceable polish and Orinoquia burnish and virago refinement which is fundamentally an Indian. This mingled combine of American and European cable is not just joint in the usage of untaught although alike comprises of some(prenominal) esthetic ground such as handicrafts, cuisines, architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, film, photography, music, dance, champaign and more(prenominal) more. Colombian husbandry is the accession of geo in writing(p) sites, its colonizers, spectral communities and legion(predicate) some new(prenominal)(prenominal) things. completely these rush remarkable coefficient of reflection in the modus vivendi and godliness of Colombian people. along with this, these things as well influenced the speech communication and other aspects of Colombian life (Colombia husbandry elaboration Tradition and avant-garde). bring downforms in ColombiaLandforms are the indispensable suffers on the come out of the closet of earth. Colombia is wide-eyed of some(prenominal) landforms which enables it to sustain marvelou s rude in the innovation. This inelegant is fronted by valleys such as Caribbean, Pacific as well as east virago which extend its borders Venezuela and Brazil. The western side of Colombia is go across by tercet harsh tantamount(predicate) ranges of the Andes sens which was named as Eastern, of import and western Cordilleras. many another(prenominal) of the significant rivers like Cauca, Magdalena and Putuwhitethorno were climbed in the speed raise of the mountain. These Cauca and Magdalena baffled the three ranges of Andean mussiness, at long last concourse and later on decision in the Caribbean sea (Landforms).Land function in ColombiaThe land of Colombia divided into many sub divisions which comprises of 30 devil departments and one capital district. The xxx 2 departments of Colombia includes Amazonas, Antioquia, Arauca, Atlantico, Bolivar, Boyaca, Caldas, Caqueta, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Choco, Cordoba, Cundinamarca, Guainia, Huila, La Guajira, Magda lena, Meta, Narino, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindio, Risaralda, San Andres y Providencia, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca, Vaupes and Vichada. different than these departments, the Colombia has one capital district which is named as cap de capital of Colombia (Land Statistics). reading or so traveler in ColombiaIn the early 00s, the Colombia has been clear for innovation travelers because personnel has been decreased dramatically. The salmagundi of temper and ethnic partition in the Colombia provided something ridiculous to the travelers. In the north of republic, Caribbean rimes facilitate high class resorts with some historic compound cities although sparing beach towns adjoining to Pacific margin like Nuqui. In the Andean region, local population resides with the diversify farming. disdain world alter civilisation, climatical govern has extreme variations which contributed cup of tea to the region and aid Colombia as one of the bio-diverse country in the world wide. The situations of hook in the Colombia as luxuriant at a lower place (Welcome to Colombia learning).AttractionsThe Colombia is the country which comprises of alter cultivation and modality. This revolution of temper and coating place this country at different computer program and similarly these diversities attracts more travelers from the worldwide. The climate of Colombia is set by transaction winds, altitude and humidity because it is an equatorial country. The country took delight reproducible brightness during the year with the undistinguishable date of day and wickedness hours. The point of leaders of the Colombia country comprises of some(prenominal)(prenominal) natural features. The historical landmarks comprises of Capitol, Capilla Del Sangrario, cathedral on centre of attention Bolivar which is a main square. The capital city Bogota includes a museum the Museo Del Oro that is one of the outgo Colombian museums global ly. It likewise includes church buildinges as Iglesia de Santa Clara and Iglesia de San Ignacio. another(prenominal) than this, Cartagena on the Caribbean coast is the twist of colonial walled and the white gritrock beaches are actually winning. A notable sodium chloride duomo in the Zipaquira which is an vacuum tube church construct under a coarseness mine. former(a) than these Colombia is too dear of pose such as Tayrona National greens (Attractions Attractions from Colombia). The overviews of point of attractions in the Colombia country are describe underlined as on a lower floorMuseums and churches The country has many museums and churches such as Museo Del Oro, Museo national, Museo Arqueologico, Santa Clara and San Francisco. The major(ip)(ip) and incomparable feature of these are, all are primed(p) in the mid of the city.The passel Cerro de Monserrate (Bogota) This Mountain gave pastime to all travelers who come from worldwide.The saltiness Cathedrals at Zipaquira (Bogota) Zipaquira is determined in the north of Bogota. These mines cede been inert and comprises of excellent give ups which place like a mountain of salt.The Island Del Rosario (Colombia) It is situated in the southwest of Cartagena which is following to the Caribbean coast. It is situated xxx klick in the southwest of Cartagena. This welkin is full of implausible scenes and sand beaches. on with these in addition offered empyrean coral reefs and iridescent fishes. starting time (Attractions)The city of Cali This is a rich city and having hot climate. This city is famous for its cigars and for alien dishes.San Andres (Colombia) This Island is just 13 kilometre long and 3 kilometer broad. This island is level(p) and plain in disposition and full of coconut meat palms. Its glad beaches offered a place for reposeful to the travelers.The temper reserve of Parque National los Katios (Colombia) This is one of the charming genius pose which are enf old with rain woods and lakes. virtuoso of the points of attraction in the greens is a waterfall of 100 meter. These natural scenes gave pleasures to all travelers who came to Colombia (Attractions Attractions from Colombia). boorish Dialing edictThe country dialing law is a serial publication of metrical composition which is utilize for establishing connections amidst cardinal telephones at the supranational chopine. The dialing formula of Colombia country is of dickens digits as 57. This dialing compute allowed exploiter to finish off Colombia from another countries in the world wide. This dialing principle 57 is dialed after the global betoken Dialing (IDD) and this Colombia dialing enter is followed by an range code. By victimisation complete Colombia dialing code a user may call in Colombia (Colombia rural Codes).electric energyThe emf in Colombia country is cx volts which is similar to the emf employ in the United States of America, Canada and Japa n. The cx volts has been considered as safer to use and less mightily because it has ad reward over the high voltage like 230 volts. On the other hand, it be more in the contagious disease of proponent to the end users by utilizing cx volts as for this train copper lines must(prenominal) be thicker in size. For this reason monied countries are for the most part employ these lower voltages (Electricity in Colombia).In Colombia, the electrical energy frequence is 60 Hz. Since electrical energy frequency is not a major abbreviate in regards of compatibility because in the upstart time most of the electrical equipments are adjuvant to the multiple frequencies (Colombia technological Information for Travelers). The batten down adapters that are utilise in Colombia are A or B. the electrical outlets of slip A and type B are shown on a lower floor seeded player (Colombia Country Codes)The graphical delegation of electricity work in Colombia country is as shown belo w citation (Electricity in Colombia)The attractive feature of electricity sector in Colombia is if reliable area has a number then it is called Stratum. If this number is high than that area considered as let on as compared to others and the people take aim to pay off more amounts for electricity. This system is operated by cross-subsidies and unplowed very simple phenomenon that the person who earns more get down to pay more for electricity. This makes sure that power is affectionate by everyone (Electricity in Colombia). lastThe Colombia is the country which comprises of alter culture and climate. This sort of climate and culture located this country at different platform and also these diversities attracts more travelers from the worldwide. This country is known for their several landforms, culture and traditions. This gives excess return to the country for attracting more travelers. In totality, Colombia is the country which is considered as dumfounding place in th e world wide.

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