Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Smooth Otter Report

INTRODUCTION Otters belonging to the order Carnivora of class Mammalia, are semi-aquatic members of the family Mustelidae which also includes weasels, martens, polecats, badgers, skunks, grisons and minks. Otters are placed in the sub-family Lutrinae (Khan W. A. et al. ,2010). Genus Lutrogale ;Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) (Ogamba E. N. & Abowei J. F. N. ,2012) ( Figure 1) . The smooth otter is the largest otter in Southeast Asia that comment otter. It was named for its shorter, smoother coat than that of other otters with appears velvety and shiny.This otter is monogamous and usually seen – round in small family groups of 4-6 members comprising a pair and their offspring from breeding seasons. It has a more rounded heads and a hairless nose compared to other otters. It also has a tail that is more flattened, in contrast to the more rounded tails of other species and measures 60% of its body length. Otters dependent on the monsoon rains breed between August and December. Gestation period is 61-65 days. They give birth to 2 to 5 cuns per litter.The young are born and raised in burrow near the water. Smooth Otters may hunt as a team either at night or in the daytime. They capture their prey with mouth, but their strong, webbed feet with sharp claws are dexterous enough to retrieve and manipulate objects. Their food likes fish, frog, prawn and crab. Besides, smooth-coated otter are excellent aquatic adaptation. It is possible to introduce to each other at all age; it is infinitely more successful when the otters are young (IUCN/SSC, 2008). Hartley R. 2011 had mentioned that as a social animal, the smooth-coated otter lives in family groups consisting of a male, dominant female and cubs. They are a proficient and ready swimmer. Besides, they also have the usual humped otter gait on the land, and can move quite rapidly . It is possible that there are no smooth otters currently in captivity in zoos likes in Zoo Taiping or wildlife parks. Since they are noisy, extrovert and tolerant of humans, adapting well to zoo life, this is surprising (Wright L. C, 2010). [pic] Scientific classification | |Kingdom: |Animalia | |Phylum: |Chordata | |Class: |Mammalia | |Order: |Carnivora | |Family: |Mustelidae | |Subfamily: |Lutrinae | |Genus: |Lutrogale | |Species: |L. perspicillata | LITERATURE REVIEWS Characteristics Smooth coated otter is nocturnal mammal otter and adapted to a semi-aquatic mode of life with flattened head, thick muscular tail, smooth and dense pelage and comparatively large paws that are webbed between digits (Roberts, 1997 ; Khan W. A. et al. ,2010). Webbing between all digits but, more extensive on the hind feet. The claws are sharp and probably aid in gripping.The hind feet are generally larger than the fore and the hind legs are longer leading to the typical hump-backed gait when traveling across land supported by Smith J. R. , 2008. The hair structure of the Lutrinae has been analysed to see if the different s pecies could be identified using hair characteristics and also to determine if the hair characteristics have an adaptive value or are influenced by the phylogeny of the group (Kuhn, Rachel A. & Wilfried M. ,2010). Habitat Otter sites varied significantly from non-otter sites, and comprised of loosely packed sand and rock, and lacked hard-packed sand, stone, gravel, vegetation and canopy cover (Shenoy K. , Varma S. & Devi Prasad K. V. , 2006).The more natural the surroundings the better so a substrate of grass, soil, pebbles, non abrasive sand (not sharp sand), and mulch as opposed to concrete will be beneficial to the otter group. If the pond is artificial and not filtrated it must be cleaned weekly. Fresh drinking water must be supplied for each day in a clean, non- spillable, disinfected container. The warmer the water the more these tropical otters swim. An ideal temperature is about 80 to 85 ° F (26. 6 – 29. 4 ° C). Pools can be constructed of many different materials such as plastic liners, concrete, gunnite or a natural pool dug out to the appropriate depth (IUCN/SSC, 2008). Behavior Smooth-coated otters are strong swimmers (Lariviere S. & Hwang Y. T. ,2005).In short, it is likely that otters undoubtedly store enough oxygen in the lungs, blood and muscles for a typical dive but experience bradycardia when pushed as a result of fear or necessity (Smith J. R. , 2008). Although otters enjoy and spend a lot of time in water they also require plenty of dry land for resting, grooming, digging and foraging (IUCN/SSC, 2008). Food and feeding habits The selection of prey by the smooth-coated otter in response to the variations in abundance of fish (Asghar Nawab & Syed Ainul Hussain, 2012 ). Smooth-coated otter is a top carnivore of wetlands and feeds mainly (up to 96%) upon fish (Khan W. A. et al. ,2010). Surprising, Goldthorpe et al. 2010, reported that a smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) was observed and photographed attacking and killing a water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) in a small pond at the Forestry Research Institute, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Smooth-coated otter attacking and killing such a large animal became the targets of repeated â€Å"tail-nipping† by the otters. The river otter has few natural predators because of its strength, sharp teeth, aggressiveness when attacked, and aquatic habits (Saunders, D. A. 1988). Communication According to Duplaix,1980 and Maxwell,1960;Wright L. C. , 2010;are two good sources for information about this species vocalizations, particularly the latter. Duplaix speaks of harsh nasal snorts and whines, and says they are a noisy species, with a varied repertoire of discrete social sounds.This is backed up by Maxwell, 1960, account of Mijbil, his pet smooth-coated otter of the Iraqi subspecies. Maxwell describes the call note as a short, anxious, penetrating but not loud chirp. The query is Ha! in a loud, harsh whisper. Furthermore, Maxwell, 1960, also describes a c ontinuum through from the chirp to a musical bubbling interspersed with chirps to a high, snarling caterwaul or scream/wail preceding attack. The main form of non-vocal communication in this species is spraint, which is produced frequently. The animals create large, very smelly communal latrines at prominent sites, such as large flat rocks, comparatively high up river banks compared to sympatric Eurasian Otters.In communication with other otters in the family group, otters seem to use their mouths as the main means of non-vocal communication, mouthing, nipping and gripping each other (Wright L. C. , 2010). Breeding Khan W. A. et al. ,2010, stated that this animal form strong monogamous pairs; males are larger but still females dominate the pair. Breeding may occur throughout the year, gestation period varies from 61-63 days and young ones at their birth are covered with fur and their eyes do not open until up to 10 days. The weaning takes almost 130 days and the young ones start tak ing fish at the age of three months. Liter size of 2-4 cubs is normal and rarely five but recently six cubs have been observed in Sindh. TreatThe smooth-coated otters considered to be â€Å"Vulnerable† due to an inferred future population decline caused by habitat loss and exploitation (Hussain et al. , 2008). Facing extremely high risk of extinction due to multitude of detrimental factors (Muhammad Rais et al. ,2009). Khan W. A. et al. , 2010, reported that habitat fragmentation, otter-human conflicts, hunting for skins and lack of awareness among general public are main threats to the species. METHODOLOGY Post monitoring and data collection. (General activity) I studied 3 smooth-coated otter ( Lutrogale perspicillata) at Zoo Taiping. I did not collect data on pre behavior because it was a one day field trip only.I recorded the smooth-coated otter`s activity every 5 min via scan sampling with instantaneous recording. I adapted behavioral categories and de? nitions from http: //www. seaworld. org/animal-info/info-books/otters/adaptations. htm. The de? nitions of behaviors that I recorded are in Table I. I recorded observations from 12. 40 p. m to 1. 30p. m.. |Table I : Behavior classi? cations and description | |Category label |De? nition of activities included within category | |Groom |All otters must continually groom their fur to maintain its insulating qualities.Otters spend a | | |substantial amount of time grooming, and many species of river otters have designated areas on land for | | |drying and grooming their fur. Most vigorously dry themselves by rolling on the ground or rubbing | | |against logs or vegetation. | |Swim |Otters are excellent swimmers. They swim with movements of the hind legs and tail. Freshwater otters | | |†dog paddle† with all four feet when swimming slowly or floating. When swimming at a high speed, the | | |entire body, including the tail, undulates up and down and the hind feet steer. | |Play |Some researcher s believe that sliding is a form of play in river otters.For some species, otters of all| | |age classes have been observed sliding. Others believe otters only use these slides for low-energy | | |travel, maintaining that otters generally do not climb to the top of a slope for another slide. These | | |latter researchers have observed very little behavior they interpret as play. | |Rest |Freshwater otters generally rest and sleep on land, either above ground or in dens. They are not | | |particular about where they sleep and often do so even in areas of moderate disturbance.Individual | | |animals often have several resting places. | |Feed |The Smooth-coated otter is a carnivore and in the wild its diet is more than 90% fish over 15cm long, | | |mainly slow-moving fish such as catfish; the balance is frogs, birds, turtles, water snakes, crabs and | | |water rats. The metabolic rate is high, and these active otters will consume 20% of their bodyweight a | | |day. In the wild, they wi ll have several hunting sessions throughout the 24-hour period, interspersed | | |with rest periods. |Diving |Otters can remain under water for 6 to 8 minutes. | |All other behavior |Communication | | |Drinking | | |Defecating | | |Urinating | |Adapt from http://www. seaworld. org/animal-info/info-books/otters/adaptations. htm | RESULT No | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | |12. 40 p. m : Play |12. 45 p. m : Rest | |[pic] |[pic] | |12. 50 p. m : Swim |12. 55 p. m : Rest | |[pic] |[pic] | |1. 00 p. m : Groom |1. 00 p. : Rest | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | |1. 05 p. m : Swim |1. 10 p. m : Rest | |[pic] |[pic] | |1. 15 p. m : Play |1. 20 p. : Swim | |[pic] |[pic] | |1. 25 p. m : Groom |1. 30 p. m : Rest | DISCUSSION From monitoring, I can see the smooth-coated otter have recycles similar activities. Much activity occurs in the water. The webbed feet, strong legs, and long, muscular body and tail adapt the otter to a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Smooth-coated otters are swim with movements of the hin d legs and tail.They use all four feet when swimming slowly or floating. The fur is thick and water proof with two types of hair; a dense under fur which traps an insulating layer of air and remains dry while the otter is swimming and the longer, overlying guard hairs that are water proof (Foster-Turley et al. , 1990; Khan W. A. et al. ,2010 ). Once in the water, an otter is a tireless and superb swimmer, propelling itself with the tail, which also serves as a rudder, and powerful thrusts of the hind limbs. Although otters enjoy and spend a lot of time in water they also require plenty of dry land for resting, grooming, digging and foraging (IUCN/SSC, 2008). On land, they lope or bound.Grooming is a frequent activity and entails rolling in the snow, mud or vegetation, often at the same location known as a landing or a hauling-out site. River otters engage in activities collectively designated as play, for example, repeated touching, shoving, tossing, and manipulating of prey, stones or other objects, or tobogganing down mud or snow slides (Saunders D. A. ,1988). Like other carnivores, smooth-coated otters use scent for inter and intra specific communication. They have a pair of scent glands at the base of the tail, which they use to mark vegetation, flat rocks, or shorelines near feeding areas. This marking behavior in otters is called sprainting.Most of the spraint sites consisted largely of loosely packed sand, and a small amount of rock, but lacked canopy cover, dense vegetation and stony or gravely substrates. Sites with these features are suited for grooming activities, which may explain why the substrate seemed to be the major factor in site selection by otters (Shenoy K. , Varma S. & Devi Prasad K. V. , 2006). Otters are intelligent, active, curious creatures and an ideal day would be to be fed 3 or 4 times a day, have plenty of stimulation and activities which include playing and foraging and also have time to rest out of the public view if so desired (IUCN/SSC, 2008). Vocal, tactile, and chemical signals are the chief means of regulating otter social behavior. Besides, the otters use chirping and humming sounds as contact calls.They hiss, purr, and whistle in other contexts (Saunders D. A. ,1988). CONCLUSION Smooth-coated otter called as Lutrogale perscipillata is known to Zoo Taiping. Besides, they are highly charismatic and popular animals of high concern to fishermen, naturalists, scientists and wild life conservationists the world over. Otters have an intrinsic beauty and they are exciting. Smooth-coated otters, one of the most intriguing semi aquatic mammals, habitual of living amphibious lifestyle, both in water and nearby lands are celebrated for living a life of mystery, disguise and concealment (Singh A. K. , 2011). Smooth-coated otters are well adapted to swimming and foraging in the water supported by Ferti D. Jackson M. & Yin S. , 1994. They have aqua dynamic, webbed feet, fine rudder, fur-tive and high metabolic rat e. It was amazing facts by Khan W. A et al. , 2010, the smooth coated otter (Lutragale perspicillata) considered to be a suitable indicator of pollution level in a wetland. Unfortunately, the smooth-coated otter life is on the brink of extinction. All small carnivore sightings were in or adjacent to protected areas. While this may suggest that their status outside such places could be of concern, it may simply reflect unequal search effort, in that night drives were not conducted at the same rate outside protected areas (Pillay R. ,2009).Otters need to be noticed to undertake stiff protection, taking practical steps for preventing decimation of endemic populace going from â€Å"Vulnerable† under â€Å"Red List† of IUCN to endanger with each passing day. The smooth-coated otter is an important ecological indicator of a healthy wetland and associated biodiversity, especially the fish fauna (Khan W. A. at el. ,2009). Feeroz M. M. , Aziz M. A & Thanchanga P. K, 2011, suppo rted that good habitats with enough food and little human interference can enhance and ensure breeding potentiality and success as well as survival. REFLECTION Firstly, praise to Allah and special thanks to Dr. Syakirah, my fellow course-mates and my family in helping me doing this assignment.My second animal observation at Zoo Taiping is smooth-coated otter. There are a group of three active smooth-coated otters in a spacious and natural like enclosure supported by Shenoy K. , Varma S. & Devi Prasad K. V. , 2006. I watched them for about an hour and it’s really fun and entertaining to watch them with their recycle behavior activities. Most of the time, the otters enjoyed swim in the â€Å"swamp† area and resting on the rocks while grooming. Sometimes, they also play around with each other on the sand area and return to water to swim. IUCN/SSC, 2008, mentioned that those otters are very great swimmer and diver. I was really exciting to see them doing that.There was a t ime when they just stand beside the glass window looking at all the people outside like they are really proud when people watch them supported by Wright L. C, 2010. By looking at the otter’s activity for around an hour, it taught me a lot on their behavioral adaptation. It makes me realize how important and valuable are our nature. Hussain et al. , 2008, reported that smooth-coated otter is also one of the â€Å"Vulnerable† species and human is one of the factors and greatest threat to them, both directly and indirectly. Habitat destruction, water pollution, fishing activity and disease can lead to fragmentation of their populations and extinction.It is our responsibility to protect our wildlife and make sure this little and full of fun creature to continue swimming for years to come. Stop pollution and live harmony with nature so that our next generation can experience and appreciate what we have today. Overall, by writing this report I gained some researching benefit s. One is that I am more aware of what is happening to endangered species. Another is that I know now that humans have a responsibility to protect our wildlife. I also gained confidence in myself. By writing this report, I have some experience in writing reports, and as a biology teacher, I will share this great information to my students, family and friends. REFERENCESAsghar Nawab & Syed Ainul Hussain, (2012), Prey selection by smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) in response to the variation in fish abundance in Upper Gangetic Plains, India Feeroz M. M. , Aziz M. A & Thanchanga P. K, (2011). BREEDING ACTIVITIES OF Lutra perspicillata IN BANGLADES. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 28(A) 2011. http://www. otterspecialistgroup. org/Bulletin/Volume28A/Feeroz_et_al_2011a. pdf Ferti D. , Jackson M. & Yin S. , (1994). Otters In Galveston Bay Waters. Galveston Bay Foundation. Vol. 6, Number 3. Goldthorpe, G. , Shepherd, C. , Hogg, S. and Leupen B. , (2010). Predation of water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) by smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) in Peninsular Malaysia. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 27  (2): 78 – 84 Hartley R. , (2011). Animal facts: Smooth-coated otter. http://www. helium. om/items/2226524-smooth-coated-otter-lutrogale-perspicillata-vulnerable-otter-species-icun-red-list-fishing-otter Hussain, S. A. , de Silva, P. K. , Mostafa Feeroz, M. (2008). Lutrogale perspicillata. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009. 1. . IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Otters in Captivity Task Force. (2008). Minimum Husbandry Guidelines for Smooth-Coated Otters in Captivity. http://www. otterspecialistgroup. org/Library/TaskForces/OCT/Husbandry_Guidelines_for_Keeping_Smooth-Coated_Otters_in_Captivity_1st_Edition. pdf Khan W. A. et al. ,(2010). Status of Smooth Coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata sindica) in Pakistan. Pakistan J. Zool. , vol. 42(6), pp. 817-824, 2010. Khan W. A. et al. 2009). A SURVEY OF SMOOTH COATED OTT ERS (Lutrogale perspicillata sindica) IN THE SINDH PROVINCE OF PAKISTAN. IUCN Otter Spec. Group Bull. 26(1) 2009 Kuhn, Rachel A. & Wilfried M. ,(2010). Comparative hair structure in the Lutrinae (Carnivora: Mustelidae) mammalia. Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages 291–303, ISSN (Online) 1864-1547, ISSN (Print) 0025-1461, DOI: 10. 1515/mamm. 2010. 039,August 2010 Lariviere S. & Hwang Y. T. ,(2005). Mammalian Species : Lutrogale perspicillata. American Society of Mammalogists Muhammad Rais et al. ,(2009). Recent Records of Smooth-Coated Otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) from Sindh, Pakistan* Pakistan J. Zool. , vol. 41(5), pp. 13-414, 2009 http://zsp. com. pk/pdf1/413-428%20(11). pdf Ogamba E. N. & Abowei J. F. N. ,(2012). Some Predatory Fishes, Birds, Mammals and Some Other Animals in Culture Fisheries Management. International Journal of Fishes and Aquatic Sciences 1(1): 16-34, 2012 ISSN: 2049-8411; e-ISSN: 2049-842X  © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Otters. (2005). A SeaWorld E ducation Department Publication Pillay R. ,(2009). Observations of small carnivores in the southern Western Ghats, India. Small Carnivore Conservation, Vol. 40: 36–40, April Saunders D. A. ,(1988). Adirondack Mammals. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. 16pp. http://www. esf. edu/aec/adks/mammals/otter. htm Shenoy K. ,( 2003). `Against the Current` :Otters in the River Cauvery, Karnataka, Occasional Report No. 11. Otter Research Group Japan. Wildlife Trust of India, New Delhi. Pp Shenoy K. , Varma S. & Devi Prasad K. V. ,(2006), Factors determining habitat choice of the smooth-coated otter, Lutra perspicillata in a South Indian river system. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 91, NO. 5, 10 SEPTEMBER 2006 Singh A. K. , (2011), Smooth Coated Otters of Cauvery River : â€Å" Ambassadors of wetlands Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation†. http://mmhillswildlife. blogspot. com/p/cauvery-otter. html Smith J. R. ,(2008).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Application of a Communicative Competence Skill Essay

Introduction I will first describe the components of Communicative Competence then the four spheres of Multiliteracies Pedagogy then conclude by applying a skill. Communicative Competence Communicative Competence has five components: 1. Discourse Competence: The selection, sequencing, and arrangement of words, structures and utterances to achieve a unified spoken or written text. Examples of Discourse Competence skills: A. Cohesion B. Deixis C. Coherence 2. Linguistic Competence: The basic elements of language: A. Syntax B. Morphology C. Lexicon D. Phonology E. Orthography 3. Actional Competence: Conveying and understanding speech acts. Examples of Actional Competence skills: A. Interpersonal Exchange B. Suasion C. Problems 4. Sociocultural Competence: The knowledge of how to communicate appropriately within the social and cultural context of communication. Examples of Sociocultural Competence skills: A. Social Contextual Factors B. Stylistic Appropriateness Factors C. Cultural Factors 5. Strategic Competence: The knowledge of communication strategies and how to use them. Examples of Strategic Competence skills: A. Avoidance or reduction strategies. B. Achievement or compensatory strategies. C. Interactional strategies. The Multiletracies Pedagogy model: 1. Situated Practice: It provides immersion for students to develop familiarity for the activities and learn by doing. 2. Overt Instruction: It provides direct information from the teacher to let the students learn the important features of the learning activities and focus on the structure (grammar) of the activities. 3. Discourse Analysis: It helps students analyze their activities and know how to benefit best from the materials. 4. Transformed Practice: it give an opportunity for students to use what they learned in new situations. Applying the model I chose service encounters to apply to the multileteracies pedagogy model: 1. Situated Practice: show the students a service encounter on how to order in a restaurant or book a room in a hotel via video or a role play. 2. Discourse Analysis: Let the students have a discussion on how to do service encounters well and what kind of language they should use. 3. Overt Instruction: Explain the structures and expressions used in service encounters, for example the use of â€Å" I want †¦, please† and â€Å"How much †¦?† 4. Transformed practice: Have the students do a role play as employee at a travel agency and a client, or a waiter and a customer. Student can also record a service encounter on the phone or a digital recorder calling for a takeout meal or the mobile service company to file a complaint

Monday, July 29, 2019

Amadeus Essay

Amadeus Is a affectionately account of the relationship between Mozart and Sellers. Mozart Is shown as an exceptional musicals considered today by some to be the greatest of all geniuses in his field having knocked out compositions for assorted solo instruments, opera and symphonic orchestras by the time he was thirty-five years old. Saltier was a talented composer and, had Mozart never lived, he albums might have been available for sale today. . The film Amadeus is fairly accurate although it exaggerates and oversimplifies and appears to take greatest arrant In the area which Is central to the film, the relationship between Mozart and Saltier. II. The relationships of both Mozart and Saltier to life, music and creativity shed some light on the questions raised with respect to the relationship between God and man, although at times that light is confusing and contradictory.Amadeus: Mozart and Salaries The genius Mozart and the frustrated Saltier and their turbulent relationship are the centerpieces of the film, but the setting of Vienna Itself at the hectic end of the eighteenth century Is also a character. It Is an era of great creative turbulence but nee which nevertheless did not take easily to Mozart brilliant compositions. The talented but conventional and limited Saltier, on the other hand, was favored by those with the power to elevate artists to heights of fame.The film delves into this struggle of Mozart for recognition in an allegedly Enlightenment-oriented Viennese society, and In doing so Is certainly not far from accurate. Mozart and his family were needy due to absurdly low fees for his teaching, the neglectful public who did not understand or appreciate his operas, the businessmen who cheated him. The film s not truly biographical with respect to either man. While Saltier, the narrator, does straightforwardly cover the early life of his rival, that period is far less crucial than the final ten years of Mozart life which the film focuses on.That early life depicts Mozart as a musical prodigy, touring with his father Leopold (a great influence in his life) and sister through Europe, his ample and liberal education, and his first serious compositional operatic effort In music. In keeping with M ozart commitment to individuality (one aspect of the Enlightenment he began to show more independence from his fathers influence later in life. For example, Mozart married a woman in defiance of his fathers wishes in Vienna.More importantly than choice in women to Mozart, however, was his artistic and creative freedom. In a letter to his father from Vienna, at roughly the beginning of the ten year period covered in the film, Mozart expresses bitter disappointment at his fathers protest against his sons angry denunciation of the Archbishop (l hate the Archbishop to madness! ) and his All of these basic facts of Mozart life are roughly accurate resignation at Vienna. Is the portrayal of Saltier as a man who is generally more favored by the Viennese, especially the elites. The greater favor Saltier receives does not gratify him, however, because he knows Mozart is the better composer. The film begins to stray into exaggeration when it zeroes In on its true concernthe last decade of Mozart life In Vienna and his relationship with Saltier. Although the film portrays the two as recognize a rivalry but mention Saltier only a few t imes and then with digressiveness. He greatest inaccuracy seems to be in the most compelling and important part of he film in which Mozart dies from Galleries hand after dictating his final work to his rival. In reality, it appears that this murder, in effect, is a storytelling fantasy for dramatic purposes. Davenport states that the murder was a vicious rumor which, unlike what we see in the film, Saltier vociferously denied: No human hand had poisoned Wolfgang, but in his desperate hours [Mozart] wove the idea out of his harried brain. Saltier was horrified when the ghoulish tale reached him. Davenport also notes that Galleries bitter Jealousy of Mozart softened as he aged and in the end e expressed admiration for his dead rival (Davenport Mozart shared the liberalism of the Enlightenment artist in terms of his innovative and revolutionary artistry, but Saltier was far more the rationalist, another essential aspect of the Enlightenment. The difficulty in applying Enlightenment standards to Mozart in particular is that he was far more the genius/artist than he was a philosopher, or scientist, or rationalist, and those concerns were paramount in the Enlightenment.Certainly his music was guided and shaped by an order which Mozart genius Imposed, but what makes Mozart music and personality extraordinary is that they Newer marked by that genius which suggests a more intimate relationship between and him than most human beings ever experience. There is the sense in a prodigy that the raw and brilliant stuff of life is exposed in all its wildness, despite the fact that Mozart labored and studied with great dedication and energy to produce his musical works. Saltier, on the other hand, was far more the controlled man, the man whose passions did not carry him away as they did Mozart.Perhaps it Mould be fairer to see Mozart as the Romantic Genius and Saltier as the Enlightenment Thinker. The latter contrast between Saltier and Mozart makes up the heart and soul of the film. For example, except for the final scene in which Saltier Norms with Mozart and we see the process of the genius of Mozart in its full expression, the film seems to suggest that creating incredible music came easy to Mozart. However, the composer himself declared, People make a mistake who think my art has come easily to me. Nobody has devoted so much time and thought to composition as l. There is not a famous master whose music I have not studied over and over (Secure). The creative, artistic character, especially in its extraordinary or genius form, is complex and contradictory. In order to create a more dramatic and perhaps more simple story, author Peter Shaffer and director Mills Forman chose to emphasize the wilder aspects of Mozart and the more controlled aspects of Saltier. Rhea complexities of both men, apparent in more historically-based accounts, are forfeited to the drama of this exaggerated and simplified contrast.The choice reduced an exciting and popular film (which is amazing itself for the life of two classical composers dead two hundred years), but an inaccurate historical portrait of those men. The films portrayal of the two composers as being so completely foreign to one another is to fail to see that there is indeed in every artist both an active heart and mind. One dominates, but the other must be engaged. The heart must inspire the mind, but the mind must channel the heart. Mozart was no more all heart than Saltier was all mind, but that is the extreme contrast the film tries to portray.Both the Enlightenment. Certainly Mozart sought liberation from religious, social or any other restriction in terms of creative expression, while Saltier, especially as portrayed in the film, was indeed inhibited by many such considerations of conformity and the need for acceptance. On the other hand, Mozart expressed obedience to Gods will, if not to religion. The Requiem sequence in the film is crucial to an understanding of both Galleries and Mozart world views (their perspective on what art is, what their relationship with God is, where they fit into the world, etc.While watching the opera Don Giovanni, Saltier realizes a terrible way that he can triumph over God. It is both a triumph over Mozart as well as God, however that Saltier seeks. In fact, it seems that Saltier himself feels so separate from God, so unappreciated and unrewarded by God, in comparison to Mozart (who appears so close to God in his genius and the sublime music he creates), Saltier feels he must defeat God rather than love or be loved by Him.He madly equates God with the brilliant Mozart, and believes that stealing the life and the music from Mozart will give him a victory over ND Mozart. He disguises himself in the same outfit worn previously by Mozart father Leopold and tricks Mozart into writing a requiem mass. This terrible scene leads eventually to the death of Mozart, directly or indirectly caused by the Jealous and maddened Saltier, but before the end, Saltier enters for the first time (along with the audience) into the thrilling process of Mozart genius in the act of creating.Saltier was talented but unable to create such astounding music himself. At least he has seen what it is like to be near genius in action as Mozart on his deathbed estates his last piece, the Confutation, to the enthralled Saltier. Saltier lived a much more controlled and controlling life than the passionate Mozart, and this is reflected in the film, with, again, the writer and director choosing to emphasize the differences between the two men and excise any signs of similarity in terms of personality.For the sake of film storytelling, the greater the contrast in the two leading characters, the better the drama. The films creators in the most inaccurate part of the film have simply stuck together separate facts which are in evidence (the viably, the creation of the Requiem, the death of Mozart, Mozart deathbed paranoia caused by not only his dying but a life of struggle and lack of appropriate recognition) and produced an imaginary set of scenes in which Saltier played a far more central role than he did in fact play.Certainly, as the sources unanimously state, Saltier in life and history did not take credit for killing Mozart, or even for wishing him dead. To the contrary, he was by all accounts horrified and haunted that anybody would think he would do so. In the film, however, the desire for Mozart death at Galleries hand is expressed explicitly by Saltier: Echo mi. [Behold me. ] Antonio Saltier. Ten years of my hate have poisoned you to death. Mozart cries for God and Saltier responds {in the atheistic position associated with the Enlightenment), God?!God will not help HOLD! God does not Help! God does not love you, Amadeus! God does not love! He can only use! He cares nothing for whom he uses: nothing for whom he denies! The Norms are entirely invented, but they are likely indicative of the true view of Saltier: that his virtuous and hard work was not properly rewarded by God, while Mozart Unawareness and easy genius were flooded with rewards. The latter assumption, of course, is preposterous, for Mozart died in poverty.

MOVIE CRITIQUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MOVIE CRITIQUE - Essay Example Perseus is set to marry the beautiful princess Andromeda but she is to be sacrificed to the sea monster. Perseus must prevent this by killing the sea monster in time. At the same time, Perseus father feuds with goddess Thetis and the rivalry is full blown. Still, Perseus must proceed with his mission despite the numerous challenges that stand in his way. He faces a myriad of various creatures which he must slay to survive. Medusa is one creature that Perseus must locate and kill. The gaze of the creature can turn Kraken into stone and hinder his chances of saving Andromeda. He must kill each beast and handle the delicate capture of Andromeda wisely so that he can save her alive (Canby, 1981). The film does not have characters based on real people. Instead, the characters are made up to reflect the constituents reflected in the Greek mythology. This is why the film falls under the fantasy genre. The characters are imaginative and the events portrayed are highly unlikely to transpire in the real life. The characters potential and the nature of events transcend the laws of physics and exceed the ability of humans. The director’s use of no real characters and events squarely fits the elements of mythology. The film is set in ancient Greece. There is no apparent use of real locations but instead the director chooses to make representation of various critical locations. Such include Mount Olympus which formed the home of the Greek gods, the city of Joppa which was the residence of Princess Andromeda and the island of Seriphos where Perseus grew up. The representation was done well to compliment the fantasy element of the mythology. It is possible that the director did not use real locations because the story itself is not real. The applied special effects were not up to standard. A lot better in that field could have been necessary to give the film’s audience a better experience. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency - Essay Example In this essay, there are three important factors that are considered to explain the causes of juvenile delinquency which include the fast-paced globalization, poor family bonding and extreme case of peer influence. The fast-paced globalization offers many significant things to people, but it simply tries to distort reality. Embracing advancements in all areas of life have important benefits to mankind but this specifically resulted to having different lifestyles at present compared from the past. Young people before may have productive learning opportunity and a clear view of reality. For instance, this is most probably because of the absence of fast-speed broadband connection. Nowadays, young people may have the opportunity to connect to the internet anywhere at anytime because of the presence of advanced communication gadgets and connectivity. Having these cutting-edge technologies are integral components of globalization. However, on the other end, these would be able to fulfill t he young people’s desires, wants or needs in just an instant leading some of them to live highly unproductive lifestyle. For instance, watching pornographic materials and any programs with illicit sexual contents may fill their desires for sex at an early age and even consume their time that should have been given to highly productive activities in life. They can also generate various ideas from the advancement of technology, but on the other end it would either help or destroy their learning advantage and view of reality. Today, young people are just simply exposed to instant information that may either destroy or help them depending on how they acquire and use it. Poor family bonding is another reason why children may potentially grow as violent individuals. Family is the basic unit of the society and it is at home that a child’s character should be substantially developed or formed. Excellent parenting is necessary nowadays. This activity requires different componen ts or aspects and one of it is having quality time for family bonding. It is by doing this activity that children or juveniles will be guided by their various decisions or plans in life by their parents. They would also have the opportunity to feel within themselves that they have family that cares for their needs or other relevant essentials in life. As a result, they could build trust and confidence in themselves which would always give them the best opportunity for deciding the best things for their lives. In other words, poor family bonding simply leads a child to the other way around. In this case, a child may lack the right perspective of viewing the right things for their lives because in the first place they have not experienced the opportunity to look at the right perspectives in living. As a result, various street children in the world ended up in juvenile confinement as they engaged themselves in heinous crimes or violence when they grew up. Another important factor that contributes to juvenile delinquency is an extreme case of peer influence. This substantially happens if various needs of children or young adults are not satisfied at home. Their outlet would be their friends which is the usual case in wherever part of the world. Young people usually confide

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explaining a Concept Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Explaining a Concept Research Paper - Essay Example This research paper, therefore, purpose to provide the definition of human trafficking as well as elucidating how it differs from human smuggling. The document will also argue in detail the aspect of Minor Sex Trafficking and mention new laws that defend victim’s necessities. Undoubtedly the role of Christian organizations is crucial in providing assistance to the victims of sexual trafficking. After that, the discussion will also mention some of the organizations that contribute to psychological and financial support to the victims of this unpleasant experience. Global human trafficking is estimated to be about 600,000 to 4,000,000 with the majority of human trafficking individuals being victims of sex trafficking. According to De Chesnay, sex trafficking is explained as the conscription, sheltering, shipping, necessitating, or acquiring of people for the intentions of commercial sex, (De Chesnay 1990). Notably, human trafficking differs from human smuggling because the latter involves a situation where a person freely requests to be transported outside the country of birth of migration. Trafficking in persons, on the other hand, refers to trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery. Trafficking is not only illegal but also a serious crime that result to a severe violation of the human’s rights. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, human trafficking has increased dramatically to the point of being an epidemic, (United Nations 47-48). Even though, the United States Government knows about this crime; it is very difficult to estimate the real number of victims because many of these victims do not report their victimization. Hartjen & Priyadarsini (2012) claims that the State Government estimates that about 14,500 to 17,500 people cross over into the United States annually, (Hartjen & Priyadarsini 173). David Hodge argues further that most of the trafficking in the United States involves citizens that have

Friday, July 26, 2019

The analysis of core audience of GolfOnline Magazine Essay

The analysis of core audience of GolfOnline Magazine - Essay Example They like to be well-informed; especially when it comes to their favorite sport (Golf). The most important values used to segment this magazine's market are: Income (Demographic), and Lifestyle (Psychographic): the Golfer lifestyle. The consumers of GolfOnline have a high income, which allows them to afford an expensive sport such as Golf, which requires special equipment and traveling. They love sports and Golf is their passion. The magazine's audience is, as described on their website, "an affluent, professional male audience with high disposable income and propensity to buy". They travel frequently and 83% of them research or purchase travel packages online. They spend a lot of money in Golf equipment, 89% plan to purchase new equipment this year. The readers are interested in learning more about the sport; they are interested in hiring Golf teachers and getting lessons. Famous golfers such as President Bush help create an image of what the Golfer lifestyle is like. According to an article for Golf Magazine by reporter Harry Hurt cited on CNN, "golf just may be the sport of presidents". "Golf has been used by presidents and presidential candidates for years. For example, President Eisenhower was the first president in office to really associate himself with golf". They have good taste and appreciate quality in what they buy. They are interested in Real Estate, and usually they think long-term, investing in properties and business. 3. Advertisers of GolfOnline GolfOnline works above all with sporting, travel, entertainment, technology and automotive industries. According to their information, they have worked with over 200 clients within these industries. As of this date, they advertise the following categories and brands: Category Brand Automotive Mazda Cadillac Jeep Acura Online Shopping - Golf Products FootJoy Educational The Range Instruction Videos Finances Ameriprise Financial Services Travel Packages Myrtle Beach Golf Trips Ocean City Golf Getaway Telecommunications Sprint The strongest product categories are the automotive, they have three different brands: Jeep, Mazda and Cadillac. The target consumers of these products are likely to read Golf Online. They have the resources and the taste to acquire these kind of "high-involvement" products. The category itself is an expensive product, but the brands advertised are also expensive within their own category; Cadillac is the brand for luxury automobiles, it's classic and elegant. The New 2006 Cadillac DTS has the slogan: "Presence. Power. Performance". Mazda advertises the new Miata MX-5 with the concept of Oneness with the car. It is also important to note that it advertises a road trips across America. It's using the experiential marketing, by offering "Great Road Trips" across the country so that the consumer associates an exciting experience with the car. In Ameriprise and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Public Opinion and Responding to Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Public Opinion and Responding to Crisis - Essay Example Rather, it takes the collective effects of all stakeholders and departments of the school management process to successfully undertake the roles of the school as a system of institutional transformation. In his work, Kowalski creates the awareness to the fact there are three major identified departments or stakeholders in the school management system and that the individual roles played by each of these departments needs to be harnessed and coordinated in such a way that they each become dependant on the other for the common goal of transforming lives through the school. These stakeholders are the staff, parents and students. In the case of the suicide at McKinley Middle School, there could be a thorough discussion of how the roles of each of these stakeholders could best be played from the perspective of public opinion and response to crisis to salvage future occurrences or better still to have prevented the happening totally. Problem identification mechanism in schools From the cas e, there is a clear indication of a major deficiency in the school management system that has to do with problem identification mechanisms. ... Clearly, suicide is a psychological problem that is most likely to be reflective in the life of a student or a person who has very little psychological attention. If all stakeholders in the schools management process as identified earlier could play their collective roles well to come to terms with some of the basic problems that students face in their academic life therefore, there is every indication that other major problems that could lead to worse forms of reaction to problems such as suicides would be catered for. Crisis Response Deficiencies More to the fact that schools do not put in much effort to identifying and mitigating crisis in students and for that matter crisis in schools, there also exists a serious challenge that has to do with the fact that schools do not respond to crisis quick enough even after the crisis have started. For instance there are a number of bureaucratic formalities that schools expect parents to go through to get crisis handled or responded to. This happens because schools fail to acknowledge and appreciate the fact that parents are part of the schools management system and that they should be in a position to have full access to the school especially in times of crisis response (Kowalski, 2010, p. 221). In the case of the suicide, there are several crisis response deficiencies that were noticed. Without an iota of doubt, if there had been a clear-cut policy in the McKinley Middle School regarding how crisis of all manners ought to be responded to, there remains a whole lot that could have been done to salvage the situation. Because of the absence of such crisis response policy, crisis always arises before solutions are sought. The way forward To conclude, it is important to reflect

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law Enforcement's use of public surveys Research Paper

Law Enforcement's use of public surveys - Research Paper Example With this kind of understanding, this paper precisely investigates homicide of a mayor. Inclusively in the paper is an in depth description of the roles played in the investigation, the purpose and use of a psychological autopsy, the various steps undertaken in carrying out psychological autopsy, and recognition of the psychological issues experienced by the officers and families. Roles Played in the Investigation. The carrying out of the investigation will be made possible with the help of a police psychologist. In this sense, as a police psychologist there are several roles which need to be accomplished accordingly with immediate effect. It should be noted that, the police psychology is always concerned with solving issues particularly concerning to public safety in order to facilitate peaceful coexistence (Brian, 2006). Various roles played by the police psychologists in the investigation will involve the recognition of deception, undercover interviewing, behavioral analyses of th e scene, and report analyses. In order to come up with clear information concerning the death of the mayor, it will be important to recognize the deception involved following his death. This will in turn call for the undercover consultation which will be aimed towards facilitating the necessary and required information for the success of the investigation (Weiss, 2010). ... It is evident that, the whole investigation will rely on police psychologist who will be responsible for the bringing together of the aspects based on the investigative information (Cox, 2004). The roles of the police psychologists will therefore be based on presumptions and the manner in which rule enforcement executive can be sustained through scientific investigate. The Function and Use of a Psychological Autopsy Psychological autopsy simply refers to the process for examining an individual death through reconstructing what the individual â€Å"thought, felt, and did prior his death.† The process of reconstruction will be linked in the lead of the information collected from police reports, personal documents, head to head interviews with families and friends, and any person who had contact with the mayor before his death (Jack, 2011). In our case, psychological autopsy will rely on these facts in order to be in position to identify the gunshot wound on the head which could be the reason for the death of the mayor. As it comes from the denotation, the major function of psychological autopsy therefore is to appraise more exactly the death procedure of the decedent and therefore elucidate the concluding categorization of the demise manner in the death official document. In this sense, the process functions in determining the reason for the death by investigating the bodily condition of the deceased (Weiss, 2010). In instances where the way of death is unsolved and unclear, psychological autopsy helps the medical expert in clearing up the secrecy. The gathered information indicates that, before becoming the mayor he was a chief and hence was very close to several officers and administrators.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The law of finding is characterised by many things but simplicity is Essay

The law of finding is characterised by many things but simplicity is not one of them - Essay Example providing some basic principles and guidelines for the determination of title to the finding of lost chattels.3 Even so, any clarification offered by Parker v British Airways Board has been blurred in light of the cases that followed it.4 Hoath goes on to suggest that the catalyst for the lack of clarity in and around the law of finding disputes is largely attributable to the lack of attention and recognition to this area of law. 5 At the end of the day the age-old maxim ‘finders-keepers’ is not all that straightforward. An obvious conflict arises between he maxim ‘finder-keepers’ and the concept that an owner or occupier of land retains all rights to property which is either in or attached to the land where the object is discovered. In an early case the maxim ‘finder-keepers’ was found to be subject to any claims by the rightful owner.6 In this case, Armory v. Delamirie (1722) 1 Str. 505 the land owner made no claim to an item of jewelry found by a chimney sweeps’ boy and the ensuing dispute arose between the boy and a jeweler.7 The modern rules of ‘finders-keepers’ is largely developed around the court’s findings in the case of Elwes v Brigg Gas Co. (1886) 33 Ch.D. 562. Chitty J made it abundantly clear that in finding disputes the critical question of property entitlement was dependant upon ownership and/or lawful possession of the property where the lost object was discovered. In this case a prehistoric boat which had been buried 6 feet deep in the earth on demised premises was discovered by lessee. Chitty J maintained that the owner of the demised property was entitled to possession of the object uncovered. Chitty J held: he was in possession of the ground, not merely of the surface, but of everything that lay beneath the surface down to the centre of the earth, and consequently in possession of the boat. . . . The plaintiff then, being thus in possession of the chattel, it follows that the property in the chattel was vested in him.

Social Motivation Essay Example for Free

Social Motivation Essay â€Å"Be careful. You can hurt with your words, but you can also hurt with your silence. † This is the quote of the week from the blog of the famous author, Paulo Coelho. Words are indeed powerful. One can either bless or curse another just by uttering words. But more powerful than words is the manner in which they are said. Most conflicts arise from misunderstandings which in turn are caused by statements not properly worded or not properly spoken. A person may mean one thing with his statement while another person can interpret it differently. The workplace is a common venue for conflicts rooted in the misuse and misinterpretation of words. Sometimes, it becomes a hostile environment especially when there are difficult co-workers stressing you out. How to deal with such an environment is pretty much the same with how it was done to at least diminish Guinea worm infestation in Nigeria: making use of the six sources of influence. Influence is power. Considering the situation in the workplace where a difficult co-worker irritates you and makes your environment unfriendly and reviewing the six sources of influence, we have the following: 1. Personal Motivation (Make the Undesirable Desirable) Where there is conflict, there isn’t peace, there isn’t harmony. And definitely, it would also be difficult for you to work well. When your work is affected, so is your performance, so is your rating as an employee. With these in mind, you wouldn’t want to be in conflict with anyone. And to be able to avoid it, be the good influencer. Make it your motivation to make friends with the difficult people in your workplace, because a harmonious environment won’t just be beneficial to them or to your bosses, but more importantly, to you. 2. Personal Ability (Surpass Your Limits) You are capable to make things happen. In one of the Influencer Videos in VitalSmarts. com, it is boldly stated, â€Å"Everyone has the power to change their world. † If you think you can’t, you’re definitely wrong. You may not believe in your ability that enough, but you definitely can do something. With proper motivation, make it a habit to be gentle, speaking just the right words at the right tone, at the right time. Be patient with difficult people. You may not get to influence them at once, but so long as you make an effort to speak kind words, you will notice an improvement in their behavior as well. 3. Social Motivation (Harness Peer Pressure) In the workplace setting, social motivation is much like personal motivation. If you can’t make it on your own, talk to your immediate superior or anyone who has authority to discuss with the whole team the essentials of a harmonious relationship. If there needs to be a teambuilding or at least a seminar on how to tame the tongue and the proper and professional way of saying words, then have one. People need to know or be reminded of how they should behave. 4. Social Ability (Find Strength in Numbers) Harmony won’t be achieved without unity. That’s the best explanation and motivation as well. Changing the world begins with changing one person. But that doesn’t end there. It should be a chain reaction: changing one person to change another. Co-workers must help each other. It would help to have a bulletin prominently posted inside the workplace to remind each worker about the power of their words and their manner of speaking. 5. Structural Motivation (Design Rewards and Demand Accountability) At the end of each week or each month, whichever is applicable, reward the friendliest person or the group or give recognition to those who didn’t have any issue or conflict with a co-worker. 6. Structural Ability (Change the Environment) From hostile, make the environment a friendly one. Design plans and activities for the team to be bonded. Make competitions healthy and professional. The most effective way to do this is by example. Let the change start in you. Change your ways and attitude towards your workmates and things. In doing so, you are helping them be better co-workers. These six sources are interconnected and inseparable. One can only be a good influencer if he is able to make use effectively all of the six. References Patterson, K. et. al. (2008). Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Identification of Bacteria Essay Example for Free

Identification of Bacteria Essay The focus of this experiment was to identify unknown bacteria. The identification of unknown bacteria produces benefits for many aspects of the research of microorganisms and helps physicians correctly treat patients. Multiple biochemical tests were performed to provide the fermentation abilities, presence of certain enzymes, and certain biochemical reactions. Qualitative observations were made on the tests, which were compared to unknown bacteria identification key to aid with the identification process. And use of 16S rRNA gene sequences to study bacterial phylogeny and taxonomy has been by far the most common housekeeping genetic marker used for a number of reasons. These reasons include (i) its presence in almost all bacteria, often existing as a multigene family, or operons; (ii) the function of the 16S rRNA gene over time has not changed, suggesting that random sequence changes are a more accurate measure of time (evolution); and (iii) the 16S rRNA gene (1,500 bp) is large enough for informatics purposes. Finally the several amplified parts could be assembled together to have the entire sequence of the complete 16S rRNA. In addition to highly conserved primer binding sites, 16S rRNA gene sequences contain hypervariable regions that can provide species-specific signature sequences useful for bacterial identification. Species identification continues to be a challenge. The development of new methods for this purpose is essential. The acknowledged limitations of the 16S rRNA gene for resolving close interspecific relationships will inspire workers to investigate other genes such as recA, gyrB or GroEL as new targets for molecular assays.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Kata pengantar

Kata pengantar Puji syukur penyusun panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas Research-Based Learning ini yang kami beri nama SuperPowerRanger. Makalah ini diajukan guna melengkapi tugas RBL Fisika Dasar IA. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dosen Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar, Bapak Maman Budiman, selaku dosen pembimbing kami dan semua pihak yang turut membantu sehingga tugas ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Kami sadari bahwa makalah kami ini masih banyak kekurangannya. Kami harap makalah ini dapat memberi informasi bagi orang lain dan bermanfaat untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Penyusun I. Pendahuluan A. Latar Belakang Pembuatan alat ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas RBL (Research Based Learning) Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar IA. Tugas RBL untuk 2009/2010 adalah membuat sistem pelontar atau pendorong yang dapat menggerakkan mobil mainan. Mobil mainan tersebut akan bergerak pada lintasan seperti yang tampak pada gambar di bawah ini. Ada tiga prinsip yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan alat pelontar, yaitu prinsip mekanika, fluida, dan termodinamika. Kami memilih untuk memakai prinsip mekanika. B. Tujuan Tujuan dari pengerjaan tugas RBL ini adalah untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu fisika yang selama ini dipelajari secara teoritis pada sebuah permasalahan nyata. II. Isi A. Teori Dasar dan Prinsip Kerja Teori dasar pada pelontar mobil mainan ini berpegang pada hukum Hooke pada bab Elastisitas dimana pertambahan panjang (delta L) suatu benda bergantung pada besarnya gaya yang diberikan (F) dan materi penyusun dan dimensi benda (dinyatakan dalam konstanta k). Benda yang dibentuk oleh materi yang berbeda akan memiliki pertambahan panjang yang berbeda walaupun diberikan gaya yang sama, misalnya tulang dan besi. Demikian juga, walaupun sebuah benda terbuat dari materi yang sama (besi, misalnya), tetapi memiliki panjang dan luas penampang yang berbeda maka benda tersebut akan mengalami pertambahan panjang yang berbeda sekalipun diberikan gaya yang sama. Jika kita membandingkan batang yang terbuat dari materi yang sama tetapi memiliki panjang dan luas penampang yang berbeda, ketika diberikan gaya yang sama, besar pertambahan panjang sebanding dengan panjang benda mula-mula dan berbanding terbalik dengan luas penampang. Jika benda kita tarik ke kanan sehingga pegas teregang sejauh x, maka pada benda bekerja gaya pemulih pegas, yang arahnya berlawanan dengan arah tarikan kita. Ketika benda berada pada simpangan x, EP benda maksimum sedangkan EK benda nol (benda masih diam). Ketika benda kita lepaskan, gaya pemulih pegas menggerakan benda ke kiri, kembali ke posisi setimbangnya. EP benda menjadi berkurang dan menjadi nol ketika benda berada pada posisi setimbangnya. Selama bergerak menuju posisi setimbang, EP berubah menjadi EK. Ketika benda kembali ke posisi setimbangnya, gaya pemulih pegas bernilai nol tetapi pada titik ini kecepatan benda maksimum. Karena kecepatannya maksimum, maka ketika berada pada posisi setimbang, EK bernilai maksimum. Benda masih terus bergerak ke kiri karena ketika berada pada posisi setimbang, kecepatan benda maksimum. Ketika bergerak ke kiri, Gaya pemulih pegas menarik benda kembali ke posisi setimbang, sehingga benda berhenti sesaat pada simpangan sejauh -x dan bergerak kembali menuju posisi setimbang. Ketika benda berada pada simpangan sejauh -x, EK benda = 0 karena kecepatan benda = 0. pada posisi ini EP bernilai maksimum. Pada penjelasan di atas, tampak bahwa ketika bergerak dari posisi setimbang menuju ke kiri sejauh x = -A (A = amplitudo / simpangan terjauh), kecepatan benda menjadi berkurang dan bernilai nol ketika benda tepat berada pada x = -A. Karena kecepatan benda berkurang, maka EK benda juga berkurang dan bernilai nol ketika benda berada pada x = -A. Karena adanya gaya pemulih pegas yang menarik benda kembali ke kanan (menuju posisi setimbang), benda memperoleh kecepatan dan Energi Kinetiknya lagi. EK benda bernilai maksimum ketika benda tepat berada pada x = 0, karena laju gerak benda pada posisi tersebut bernilai maksimum. Proses perubahan energi antara EK dan EP berlangsung terus menerus selama benda bergerak bolak balik. Total EP dan EK selama benda bergetar besarnya tetap atau konstan. B. Rancangan Alat dan Bahan Bahan: Gagang Payung Bekas Triplek Balok Kayu Pegas Lempengan Seng Paku Alat: Gergaji Lem Cara Kerja: Tarik batang sebesar delta x seperti apa yang kita dapat dari hasil perhitungan, tahan sebentar untuk memastikan jarak, setelah melihat jaraknya kemudian lepaskan. C. Perhitungan Melalui beberapa percobaan, maka di dapatkan konstanta pegas = 326 N m-1 Kecepatan saat di puncak ÃŽ £F = m.ass m.g = m.v Untuk mencari kecepatan minimum, kita pilih N=0 m.g = m v2/R g.r = Menentukan kecepatan minimum benda sebelum memutar agar benda bisa memutar Dengan prinsip Usaha-Energi ,-.=,-. h-.+,1-2.,-2.+,1-2.,-2.=,h-.+,1-2.,-2.+,1-2.,-2. Kita anggap bahwa roda itu berbentuk silinder pejal, =,1-2.,-2., karena Massa roda sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan massa mobil serta jari-jari roda juga sangat kecil, maka Energi kinetic rotasi dapat kita abaikan. h-.+,1-2.,-2.=,h-.+,1-2.,-2. (2)+,1-2.,(,-.)-2.=0+,1-2.,-2. 5-2.=,1-2.,-2. -.=,-5h. -.=,-5.9,78.28.,,10-2.-. D. Hasil Percobaan III. Penutup Kesimpulan Saran

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mama Day and Daughters of the Dust :: African American Culture Literature Essays

Mama Day and Daughters of the Dust For emigrants of any country it is difficult to maintain the individual culture of their homeland while assimilating to the ways of the new country they have entered. For slaves of the 19th century, the acculturation process was a necessity. If they did not conform to the Western way of life, they would perish. However for some slaves, their geographic location sequestered them enough from the European worldview that they could continue to practice their own culture and religion. Most of these groups were found off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia, the exact location of two important African-American narratives – Daughters of the Dust and Mama Day. Although the islands did not offer complete sanctuary from the harshness of post-colonial American culture, it did afford the Africans living on those islands more latitude to practice their beliefs. Especially for the younger generations, there was a beckoning from the dominant culture to take part in its opportunities and advantages, which created a drawback for Africans still trying to carve their niche in the Western society. Daughters of the Dust and Mama Day are fictional narratives that vividly recount the experiences of the black slave family during the 1800’s. Although they take different narrative forms, the former as a movie and the latter as a book, there are still several important themes concerning the emerging African-American culture – a way of life that incorporates the native African worldview with the newly acquired American lifestyle – that the two stories address. Although there are differences between the two works, they are really struc tural in nature, such as plot and point of view, and are thus not necessary to address currently. Instead, it is important to focus on the values that dominate the African culture and the attitudes that enhance and interfere with their way of life in Western society. The narratives share two main themes of which all other themes can be derived. One is the struggle between the lifestyles and values of the mainland and the islands and the second is a belief in logic and science versus intuition and African folklore. For both stories the island is an integral part of the story, almost becoming a character unto itself. The nature of an island is such that it has its own personality and dynamic, which is appropriate since it is physically dislocated from the mainstream.

Things Fall Apart Essay -- essays research papers

Things Fall Apart: An Evaluation In â€Å"Things Fall Apart,† Chinua Achebe tells two different stories at the same time. One is of Okonkwo, the villager whose rise to power is halted because of all of his misfortunes. The other is of Okonkwo’s village, Umuofia, and its struggle to hold on to its cultural tradition while facing colonialism from the West. The title, â€Å"Things Fall Apart,† describes perfectly what happens to both Okonkwo and his village. Okonkwo’s life falls apart and as a result, he commits suicide by hanging himself. The cultural tradition of Umuofia falls apart, and becomes influenced by the West. In â€Å"Things Fall Apart,† Achebe uses Okonkwo and the village’s falling out to show how African culture, as well as other cultures around the world, suffered as a result of Westernization. In the book, Achebe focuses mainly on the character of Okonkwo. Okonkwo’s story follows the general pattern of a Greek tragedy. He experiences many successes in the beginning, but everything eventually comes crashing down on him. His early life is the typical success story. He starts poor, but works hard to earn everyone’s respect. From the beginning he is disgusted with his father. He is a lazy old man who borrows money and never pays it back. Okonkwo realizes that he does not want to be like his father, and it is this hatred that drives him to work hard. After his father’s death, Okonkwo pays off his debts, and starts his long journey to the top of the clan. In a short time, Okonkwo...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Breakthroughs in Astronomy and Medicine in the 16th and 17th Centuries :: science

Breakthroughs in Astronomy and Medicine in the 16th and 17th Centuries It was during the 16th and 17th centuries when man's view of the unvierse and himself changed drastically. This came after a millenium of repetition and stagnation in the development of science. People finally began questioning what they were told, and they went out to find proof rather than assuming on the basis of authority and common sense. These advances in astronomy and medicine came about in the same era, and were not unparallel in their development. In both fields were some very notable people who contributed greatly to the devolopment in these areas. In the field of astronomy Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, and Galileo shed Aristotle's, Plato's, and Ptolemy's views of the universe. In medicine Paraclesus, Vesalius, and Harvey did away with Galen's ancient practices. Ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was stationary, they concluded this by making some basic obsevations. One being that the Earth cannot be part of the 'heavens' because celestial bodies are bright points of light, whereas the Earth is a nonluminous sphere of mud and rock. Also in the heavens there is very little change, the same stars are there night after night, only five planets, the sun, and the moon. On Earth however things are constantly changing and reforming. Their senses also told them that the Earth wasn't moving. They believed that the air, the clouds, and the birds would all be left behind if the Earth spinning around, therefore it couldn't be moving. Also if the Earth were spinning everything would fly off due to the centrifugal force. It was thought that with all this evidence there was no way that the Earth could be moving. There were however a few descrepencies in this Earth stationary or geocentric view. The most apparent being the five planets. They moved unlike anything else, they moved contrary to the stars and occasionaly went backwards. Ptolemy was able to correct this by the use of epicycles. This said that not only do planets orbit the Earth, but they also have smaller circular moton which they perform during their orbit. This did solve the problem, but it was still imperfect and very complicated, it was un-Godlike. Nicolaus Copernicus believed in the heliocentric model of the universe. It was his belief that the sun was a copy of God, God gave us life and the sun kept us alive. Breakthroughs in Astronomy and Medicine in the 16th and 17th Centuries :: science Breakthroughs in Astronomy and Medicine in the 16th and 17th Centuries It was during the 16th and 17th centuries when man's view of the unvierse and himself changed drastically. This came after a millenium of repetition and stagnation in the development of science. People finally began questioning what they were told, and they went out to find proof rather than assuming on the basis of authority and common sense. These advances in astronomy and medicine came about in the same era, and were not unparallel in their development. In both fields were some very notable people who contributed greatly to the devolopment in these areas. In the field of astronomy Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, and Galileo shed Aristotle's, Plato's, and Ptolemy's views of the universe. In medicine Paraclesus, Vesalius, and Harvey did away with Galen's ancient practices. Ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was stationary, they concluded this by making some basic obsevations. One being that the Earth cannot be part of the 'heavens' because celestial bodies are bright points of light, whereas the Earth is a nonluminous sphere of mud and rock. Also in the heavens there is very little change, the same stars are there night after night, only five planets, the sun, and the moon. On Earth however things are constantly changing and reforming. Their senses also told them that the Earth wasn't moving. They believed that the air, the clouds, and the birds would all be left behind if the Earth spinning around, therefore it couldn't be moving. Also if the Earth were spinning everything would fly off due to the centrifugal force. It was thought that with all this evidence there was no way that the Earth could be moving. There were however a few descrepencies in this Earth stationary or geocentric view. The most apparent being the five planets. They moved unlike anything else, they moved contrary to the stars and occasionaly went backwards. Ptolemy was able to correct this by the use of epicycles. This said that not only do planets orbit the Earth, but they also have smaller circular moton which they perform during their orbit. This did solve the problem, but it was still imperfect and very complicated, it was un-Godlike. Nicolaus Copernicus believed in the heliocentric model of the universe. It was his belief that the sun was a copy of God, God gave us life and the sun kept us alive.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Summer Trainng Report on Recruitment & Attrition Management

A Project Study Report On Training Undertaken at ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD. Titled â€Å"Recruitment and Attrition Management† Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted By: – Submitted To:- ANITA SINGHAL Ms. Sonali Singh Chauhan MBA Part 3rdLecturer of MBA Department 2011 – 2013 PREFACE Theoretical knowledge without practical knowledge is of little value. Theoretical studies in the classroom are not sufficient to understand the functioning of complex & large sized organization.A student of management can have a theoretical knowledge, but he/she must have a practical knowledge too, so that he/she can be able to tackle the various problems that arise in business. Therefore, it becomes necessary for a management student to undergo any project work. Practical knowledge supplements the theoretical studies and covers all the possible area, which is left uncovered in classroom. A systematic prac tical training is necessary for a trainee to bring in him the confidence for job performance & mental preparation which enables him to take up future job responsibility.It exposes student to invaluable treasure of experiences. I had received training at ICICI Prudential Insurance Co. Ltd. Jaipur (Raj. ), in the Recruitment and Attrition Management. During the training program, I got the opportunity to learn valuable things regarding management. It was my fortune to get the training in a very healthy atmosphere. The management of the company offered learning situation, sufficient facilities & training opportunities to fulfill the objectives of training. The overall gain to me will be reflected in the report itself.This project has really exposed me to a far new world & I sincerely hope that â€Å"ICICI Prudential Insurance Co. † will find my study equally valuable as I found it in shaping my career. Acknowledgement A research study cannot be completed without the help guidance of various individual & institutions. I expressed my sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who made it possible for me to complete this report. With great pleasure and sincerity I wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude towards Mr.AMIT GOYAL (Branch Manager) for their valuable guidance and Practice suggestions and for patiently enduring my numerous queries I would highly thankful to Mr. Sudhanshu Shanker (Senior Manager Human Resources) who assigned this project to me and providing me the opportunity to complete this project with their guidance and experience. I wish to thank ICICI Prudential life Insurance Co. Jaipur, (Raj. ) for providing me an opportunity to work with them on this project. My stay in the organization has been a great learning experience.This exposure has greatly enriched me with knowledge. (ANITA SINGHAL) MBA – 3rd SEM Executive Summary Board of Directors: The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed people from th e finance industry both from India and abroad. Ms. Chanda D. Kochhar, Chairperson Mr. N. S. Kannan, Director Mr. K. Ramkumar, Director Mr. Barry Stowe, Director Mr. Adrian O’Connor, Director Mr. Keki Dadiseth, Independent Director Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Independent Director Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Independent Director Mr.Vinod Kumar Dhall, Independent Direct INDEX Chapter NO. | | TOPIC| | PAGE NO. | 1| | INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY| | 7| 2| | INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANISATION| | 10| 3| | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY| | 33| | | 3. 1 TITLE OF THE STUDY| | 33| | | 3. 2 DURATION OF THE PROJECT| | 33| | | 3. 3 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY| | 33| | | 3. 4 TYPE OF RESEARCH | | 34| | | 3. 5 SAMPLE SIZE AND METHOD OF SELECTING SAMPLE| | 35| | | 3. 6 SCOPE OF STUDY | | 35| | | 3. 7 LIMITATION OF STUDY| | 36| | | FACTS & FINDINGS| | 38| 5| | DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION| | 40| 6| | SWOT ANALYSIS| | 54| 7| | CONCLUSION| | 57| 8| | RECOMMENDATION & SUGGESTIONS| | 59| 9| | APPENDIX| | 62| 10| | BIBLI OGRAPHY| | 65| CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY Overview of the Life Insurance Sector in India: With largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, Insurance happens to  be a mega opportunity in India.It’s a business growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent annually and  presently is of the order of Rs 450 billion. Together with banking services, it adds about 7 per  cent to the country’s GDP. Gross premium collection is nearly 2 per cent of GDP and funds available with LIC for investments are 8 per cent of GDP. Yet, nearly 80 per cent of Indian populations are without life insurance cover, health insurance and non-life insurance continue to be below international standards. And this part of  the population is also subject to weak social security and pension systems with hardly any old age income security.This itself is an indicator that growth potential for the insurance sector is immense . A well-developed and evolved insurance s ector is needed for economic development as it  provides long term funds for  infrastructure development and  at the same time strengthens the risk  taking ability. It is estimated that over the next ten years India would require investments of the order of one trillion US dollars. The Insurance sector, to some extent, can enable investments in infrastructure development to sustain economic growth of the country.With a large capital outlay and long gestation periods, infrastructure projects are fraught with a multitude of risks throughout the development, construction and operation stages. These include risks associated with project implementation, including geological risks, maintenance, commercial and political risks. Without covering these risks the financial institutions are not willing to commit funds to the sector, especially because the financing of most private projects is on a limited or non- recourse basis. Insurance companies not only provide risk cover to nfrastr ucture projects, they also contribute long-term funds. In fact, insurance companies are an ideal source of long term debt and equity for infrastructure projects. With long term liability, they get a good asset- liability match by investing their funds in such  projects. IRDA regulations require insurance companies to invest not less than 15 percent of their  funds in infrastructure and social sectors. International Insurance companies also invest their  funds in such projects. Insurance is a federal subject in India. There are two legislations that govern the sector-The Insurance Act- 1938 and the IRDA Act- 1999.The Government of India liberalized the insurance sector in March 2000 with the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Bill, lifting all entry restrictions for private players and allowing foreign players to enter the market with some limits on direct foreign ownership. Under  the current guidelines, there is a 26 percent equity cap for foreign partners in an insurance company. There is a proposal to increase this limit to 49 percent. Premium rates of most general insurance policies come under the purview of the government appointed Tariff Advisory Committee.The opening up of the sector is likely to lead to greater spread and deepening of insurance in India and this may also include restructuring and revitalizing of the public sector companies. A host of private insurance companies operating in both life and non-life segments have started selling their insurance policies since 2001. CHAPTER – 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANIZATION Company Profile: ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank – one of  India's foremost financial services companies-and prudential plc – a leading international financial services group headquartered in the United Kingdom.Total capital infusion stands at Rs. 37. 72 billion, with ICICI Bank holding a stake of 74% and Prudential plc  h olding 26%. We began our operations in December 2000 after receiving approval from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). Today, our nation-wide team comprises of over 954 branches in addition to 1,015  micro-offices, over 296,000 advisors; and 21 banc assurance partners. ICICI Prudential was the first life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings.For three years in a row, ICICI Prudential has  been voted as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer, by The Economic Times – AC NielsenORG Marg survey of ‘Most Trusted Brands'. As we grow our distribution, product range and customer base, we continue to tirelessly uphold our commitment to deliver world-class financial solutions to customers all over  India. Company Promoters: ICICI Bank: ICICI Bank Limited  (NYSE:IBN) is India's  largest private sector bank  and the second largest bank in the country, with consolidated total assets of $ 121 billion as of March 31, 2008.ICICI Bank’s subsidiaries include India’s leading private sector insurance companies and among its largest securities brokerage firms, mutual funds and private equity firms. ICICI Bank’s  presence currently spans 19 countries, including India. Prudential Plc: Established in London in 1848, Prudential plc, through its businesses in the UK, Europe, US, Asia and the Middle East, provides retail financial services products and services to more than 20 million customers, policyholder and unit holders and manages over ? 267 billion of funds worldwide (as of December 31, 2007).In Asia, Prudential is the leading European life insurance company with life operations in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Prudential is one of the largest retail fund managers for Asian sourced assets ex-Japan. Its fund management business has expanded into ten markets, compr ising of China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and United Arab Emirates. Vision and Mission Statement: Their vision is to make ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company the dominant new insurer in the life insurance industry.This they hope to achieve through their commitment to excellence, focus on service, speed and innovation, and leveraging our technological expertise. The success of the organization will be founded on its strong focus on values and clarity of  purpose. These include: Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products and service  building long lasting relationships with their partners providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning for their employees and above all building transparency in all our  dealings. They believe that they can play a significant role in redefining and reshaping the sector.Given the quality of their parentage and the commitment of their team, they feel that th ere will  be no limits to their growth. Board of Directors. The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed people from the finance industry both from India and abroad. Ms. Chanda D. Kochhar, Chairperson Mr. N. S. Kannan, Director Mr. K. Ramkumar, Director Mr. Barry Stowe, Director Mr. Adrian O’Connor, Director Mr. Keki Dadiseth, Independent Director Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Independent Director Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Independent Director Mr. Vinod Kumar Dhall, Independent DirectPrinciples and Types of Insurance: Principles of Insurance: Insurance is a ‘risk transfer mechanism' – it transfers the financial risks of everyday life from you to an insurance company, but only in terms of the financial consequences of risk. Without insurance, if you car was damaged, it would cost you a lot of money to fix it or to buy another one. It could cost you even more to pay for compensation to someone else involved in an accident. Insurance prote cts  your financial  interests. It  cannot  alleviate the  emotional consequences of an accident. It cannot provide for humanitarian ideals.It can't help you with sentimental losses. But properly used, it will protect your financial investment in your car and your legal obligations should you have an accident. Insurable Interest Before you can insure anything, you must have a legally recognised financial interest in what you are insuring. For motor insurance, you can't take out an insurance policy on the car  driven by the latest film star in the hope that it will crash and you can claim. That is nothing more than gambling. You have no financial interest in the  well  being of the object insured and would gain by its destruction.But you can insure the car you own, or drive. You would suffer  financially if it is damaged or stolen and  benefit from its continued existence. Indemnity This word is used to describe the type of payment you would receive. A motor polic y and a household policy are both a contract of indemnity. It means, subject to the terms of the contract, you are entitled to be put back in the same financial position after a loss as you were in  before the loss. In terms of a ‘new for old' policy the measure of indemnity is agreed at the point of sale rather than the time of claim.The term is also sometime used to indicate if your insurer  will meet the claim at all. A refusal to indemnify is a refusal to pay the claim. ATTRITION It is important to understand the high attrition rate in Indian insurance sector, which stands presently around 35% taking into consideration the Recruitment and Selection of Insurance sales personnel, and various reasons behind the attrition rate are as follows: Controlling Attrition In an ideal world, employees work hard, love their job, worship their workplace, feel like a family and would never leave.But in the real world, employees quit at the drop of a hat. In today’s scenario, it is the major challenge before the insurance companies to control the high attrition rate. As the Indian insurance industry grows exponentially, companies are taking the big leap from survival strategy to competitive strategy. Hence, there is a constant thirst for the best and the brightest of employees, and the result is heavy attrition. In addition, there are several other reasons as to why employees quit. The reasons are too varied to be clubbed together, but the bottom line remains the same—it is all about money!Therefore, it is no wonder that the compensation levels in the industry are heading north. Companies are literally bidding for talent and luring away employees with attractive salaries and designations. While HR experts define it the function of demand and supply, it is a serious concern for employee retention. A Critical Issue After IT and BPO, it is now the insurance sector that is facing the issue of high attrition rates. For most HR managers, employee retentio n is the biggest challenge. Talent or human resource is a major asset for any company.Company Invest high amount of money for their recruitment, selection and training and what happens to company if these talents or employees leave the organization in short while seeking new opportunities. Indian Insurance Industry is one of the fastest growing knowledge based sector with annual attrition rate of around 30-35% compared to the global insurance attrition rate of 10-12% per annum. Current statistics show that higher attrition rate problem mainly exists in Marketing and R;D departments. Major reasons for high attrition rate, stated by employees during the survey are- 1.Inadequate salary or compensation plan. The immediate gain in salary package was found to be responsible for job change in 61 per cent of the cases. 2. Poor management 3. Uninteresting job 4. Lack of motivation Job Lacking Opportunity for Future Advancement Leaving company by the employee not only leads to loss of money f or the company in his training and development of knowledge but it also increase the threat of information security if employee moves to rival company and loss of the business. Whenever a well-trained and well-adapted employee leaves any organization, it creates a vacuum.The organization loses key skills, knowledge and business relationships, and it is not an easy task to find a sustainable substitute. Situation is worse when it happens at a critical (decision making) position, as there is a scarcity of such technical resources in the market. Attrition directly affects the company. Recruiting and training program for employees is an expensive affair. The company has to invest a lot while recruiting an employee. Attrition is a universal phenomenon and no industry is devoid of it, but the degree fluctuates from industry to industry.Major insurance companies in India are age-old and established, having their own culture and work practices and therefore, employee turnover will be a comm on phenomenon in such companies. Attrition is a serious issue in the insurance industry because the industry is knowledge-based and hence employees are its â€Å"assets†. Many HR experts believe that money, though a key factor, is not the only one which makes employees quit. Attrition also happens when people hate their working conditions, do not like their team-mates or perhaps do not like what they are doing.There are also cases when people leave their job for family reasons or when they wish to migrate. Experts also believe that organizational culture has a great impact on who stays and who goes. And the culture of an organization is determined by the quality of the relationship between bosses and their subordinates. According to a popular saying, employees never leave the company, they leave their bosses. An inefficient boss creates poor work culture, which is one of the frequent reasons for quitting. Employers often fail to understand the importance of providing opportun ities for development of their employees or their career growth.A conducive working atmosphere, good culture, training and career growth with adequate salary are some provisions that control attrition. Every employee comes to his organization with some aspiration. An organization is viewed as a place where employees meet their aspirations of growth and development, values of trust, teamwork and transparency. If a company respects them and their skills, realize their potential and provide them with a healthy environment to learn and grow with flexible compensation, employees take that as a strong reason to stay on.Recognizing the contribution of outstanding achievers also inspires others to try hard and put in their best. A good organizational behavior also focuses on areas like training, career development and believe in equipping workforce better on the professional front. Experts say that good organizational behavior is instrumental in extending the tenure of employees in the orga nization as it increases their self-esteem, confidence, morale and motivation. A substantial growth of employee’s self-esteem is as important as the concept of learning in the industry.Otherwise, experts fear that insurance organizations will meet a sorry fate as far as retention policies are concerned. Attrition is the Function of Demand and Supply The demand comes from the growth of the industry and the policy of the company. These two things decide whether there is a demand of fresher or experienced employees. On the other hand, the supply comes from the educational institutions and the market. Normally the supply from the educational institutions is enough to meet the demands of the insurance industry, there is a lack of experienced people in the industry, which in turn has created an imbalance.The imbalance is crucial to the growth of the industry. While the industry is growing, not all companies are capable of taking fresh people and groom them. Hence, the current statu s demands experienced people and shortage of skills or retaining existing employees pose an issue for the industry. In the current scenario, the demand of experienced and good employees is actually outstripping the supply. In such a situation, higher salary structures pose a major challenge in controlling attrition levels in the industry. Moreover, the salary growth plan is not well defined as well. All this encourages poaching by companies offering higher salaries.Though the salary is decided keeping in line with the market trends, the qualification, experience and the attitude of the individual matters. Salary or even increments are dependent very much on what kind of value adding the person is or will do in the organization. Besides, HR experts from the industry believe that out paying is not a winning tactic for companies. The organization’s reward strategy reflects its power to drive quality employees. Apart from salary, recognition of work is a healthy retention strateg y. If the organization values its employees, recognizes and appreciates their skills and work, it pays.It is important to keep an eye on fast track people who are intelligent and excellent performers. Performance is a primary requirement; therefore, excellent performers should be valued. They should be identified, nurtured and provided growth opportunity. HR's Role and Strategies in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. As the struggle for reducing employee attrition rates is intensifying, recruiters are putting renewed efforts in identifying talent, which is committed and productive. However, while everyone is competing for talent, in experts' opinion, a hiring spree can be a blunder sometimes.Stringent recruitment process could help reduce attrition to a certain extent. An internal referral mechanism is also very useful in reducing attrition rates in companies. A thorough analysis of a candidate's background or behavior pattern, adaptability or liking would help the organization wit h good resource pool and less attrition rates. Hiring slayers rather than stars is yet another strategy. According to experts, some of the most talented people often have the tendency to move on. The reason being their eagerness to climb by shifting from one company to another. Frequent job hoppers are not the ultimate gainers. They gain or earn only in terms of money but those who opt to work in one organization for long are able to learn and gain experience which pays in the long term,† An efficient HR focuses on creating a good work culture and work out different strategies in line with organizational philosophy. According to experts, HR managers must use the combination of growth, learning opportunity and pay attention to employees' personal needs and participation. The needs of the employees should be regularly gauged through open communication, polls and feedback mechanisms to maintain consistency in performance and high motivation levels.Insurance employers need to unde rstand the same and deal this issue on a war footing so as to avoid loss of good employees and, also the business. This brings to the issue of recruitment and selection. If these initial steps are flawless, it also helps in reducing the attrition. SIGNIFICANCE OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS â€Å"Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization†. Every enterprise, business, and entrepreneurial firm has some well defined employment and recruitment policies and hiring procedures.Importance of Recruitment is given below: Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. * Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. * Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. * Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. * Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. * Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. * Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. * Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants. Factors Governing Recruitment External Factors * Supply and demand * Unemployment rate * Labor market * Potential social Sons of soil * Image Internal Factors * Recruitment policy of the organization * Composition of temporary and part time employees. * Preference to local people even by multinational s as they understand local language. * Size of recruitment * Cost of recruiting Fig. 1: The General Recruitment Process 1. Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews 7. Conducting interview and decision making. The recruitment process is immediately follow by the selection process i. . the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities. Recruitment and Selection are perhaps the most important tasks for an organization. Recruitment refers to the process of searching and appointing prospective candidates in an organization. An organization must undertake the recruitment procedure if it wants to appoint the right people under its employment. According to Edwin B. Flippo, â€Å"Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization†. A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected†. â€Å"Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the jobseekers†. Sources of recruitment Why Does Organization Prefer Internal Sources? * Internal recruitment can be used as a technique of motivation. Suitability of internal candidate can be judged better than the external. * Candidates as â€Å"known devils are better than unknown angels†. Employee’s psychology needs can be met by providing an opportunity for advancement. * Employee’s economic needs can be met by providing an opportunity for advancement. * Cost of selection can be minimized. * Cost of training, induction, orientation, etc can be minimized. SELECTION PROCESS in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. The main objective of a selection procedur e is to determine whether an applicant meets the qualification for a specific job, and then to choose the applicant who is most likely to perform well in that job.The entire process of selection begins with an initial screening interview and concludes with a final employment decision. When a selection policy is formulated, organizational requirement like technical and professional dimensions are kept in mind. Selecting a suitable candidate can be the biggest challenge for any organization. According to Dale Yoder – â€Å"Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into 2 classes – those who are to be offered employment and those who are not. † 1) Pre Interview Screening This is generally the starting point of any employee selection process.Pre Interview screening eliminates unqualified applicants and helps save time. Applications received from various sources are scrutinized and irrelevant ones are discarded. A preliminary Interview i s conducted. 2) Preliminary Interview The application of candidate whose screening is successful is found to be eligible for the preliminary interview which covers the personal as well professional details of the prospective candidate. 3) Final Interview This interview is formal in depth conversation conducted to evaluate applicant’s acceptability. 4) Medical ExaminationIf all goes well, then at this stage, a medical examination is conducted to make sure that the candidate enjoys sound health and does not suffer from any serious ailment. 5) Checking References Most application forms include a section that requires prospective candidates to put down names of a few references. References are contacted to get a feedback on the person in question including his behavior, skills, conduct etc. 6) Job Offer A candidate who clears all the steps is finally considered right for a particular job and is presented with the job offer. An applicant can be dropped at any given stage if consid ered unfit for the job.Only after successfully clearing all the hurdles, an applicant can enjoy the feeling of being selected for a particular job. 7) Induction Programme New entrants after joining are given induction programme. It helps the new employee to understand and develop a sense of identification with the company and he can clearly understand his job and will be able to perform his work in good manner. HR POLICIES AND PROCEDURE HR department deals with the management of human resources. It is responsible for the creation of harmonious working relations among the participants of the organization.It effectively deals with the process of planning, directing, developing, and utilization of human resources available to the company. Personnel department basically involved with the management of personnel or human resources. Personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the procurement, development, integration, maintenance and separation of the huma n resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplished. Recruitment Checklist of ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. * Has the vacancy been agreed by the responsible HOD? Is there up-to-date job description? * What are the conditions of employment for their vacant positions? * Has a candidate specification been prepared? * Has the manpower requisition form been submitted earlier? * Has the job advertisement been agreed? * Have the interview arrangement been made? * Have unsuitable candidates held in reserved been informed? Explanation of Recruitment Process Steps in Recruitment process are as follows: 1) Requirement Gathering: Requirement gathering starts with the job description provided by the different department.The manpower requisition forms are provided by the HR department and then filled by the respected departments. Job description contains criteria such as qualification, professional experience, designation in the organization, urgenc y of manpower requirement in the organization. 2) Analysis of the Requirement: It is a clear requirement with a detailed explanation. A clear understanding enables a recruiter to provide a valuable manpower to the required department in terms of giving them a right candidate that matches up their requirement and to provide a candidate with good opportunity to sharpen his skills and achieve his personal goals. ) Sourcing of CVs: In order to find the relevant profile for the job, it is very essential to search the CVs. This can be done in following ways: * Casual application from local places. * Contacts through the present employees. * Data bank * Portals, such as Naukri. com * Former employee * Campus interview. 4) Screening of CVs: This is very important step. It decides whether the CV matches the job description given by the department head. In this step the recruiter has to study the following details in deep:- †¢ Date of birth †¢ Highest qualification †¢ Experienc e †¢ Skills †¢ Expected salary, etc. ) Arranging the interview: After screening the CVs, the interview schedule is scheduled by the recruiter. Once the schedule is fixed, candidates are called for interview. 6) At the time of interview: Candidate is given the personal data form to fill before the interview. Personal data form covers all the in depth information of candidate. Personal data form and resume attached to it is handed over to the interviewer before an interview. Then preliminary interview and final interview is conducted. 7) Medical Checkup: Selected candidates are sent to medical checkup with pre medical checkup form.The main objective of this test is to detect whether the applicant is physically fit to perform work or not and to protect the employer from worker compensation claims. 8) Reference Check: Reference check is made for an experienced candidate. Many employer request name, contact number, address of reference for verifying the additional background in formation of the candidate. 9) Documentation: After the reference check is positive, candidate is called for further procedure of documentation. After documentation the candidates are provided with offer letter. 10) Induction Programme:New entrants are given induction programme. It helps the new employee to develop the sense of identification with the company. The newly entrants is given information about the major products, departments and organization, key statistics. This helps the newly joined employees to understand their work in a better way. Criteria for Recruiting a Medical Representative A Check List 1. Age It is advisable to select them young, usually between 21 and 25 years. 2. Education Depending upon the level of technical knowledge required for promoting your products you can decide on this. 3. ExperienceIt may be advisable to select a fresh graduate with good scholastic record and extracurricular activities. Some companies prefer limited experience of a year or two in similar companies. In the case of an experienced candidate look for his accomplishment, tract record, etc. 4. Appearance A pleasing personality is always preferred. 5. Manners He / she should have good manners as he moves in a sophisticated highly educated class. 6. Voice and Expression There should be clarity of voice, modulation and grammar 7. Reactions Alertness, quickness of response. 8. Drive Ability to stimulate, enthuse others and self-assurance. . Intelligence Comprehension, reasoning ability, keenness and smartness is expected of him/her. 10. Interest Sincerity of ambitions and personal goals, interest in other people. CHAPTER – 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The core concept underlying research is its methodology. The methodology controls the study, dictates the acquisition of the data, and arranges them in logical relationships, sets up a means of refining the raw data, contrives an approach so that the meanings that lie below the surface of those data become manifest, an d finally issue a conclusion or series of conclusions that lead to an expansion of knowledge.The entire process is a unified effort as well as an appreciation of its component parts. According to J. W. B. est, â€Å"Research is considered to be formal, systematic, intensive process of carrying on the scientific method of analysis. It involves a more systematic structure of investigation usually resulting in some sort of formal record of procedures and report of result or conclusions. † According to P. M. Cook, â€Å"Research is an honest, exhaustive, intelligent searching for facts and their meanings or implications with reference to a given problem.It is the process of arriving at dependable solutions to problem through planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. The best research is that which is reliable, verifiable and exhaustive so that it provides information in which we have confidence. † 3. 1 Title of the Study: Recruitment and Attri tion Management 3. 2 Duration of the Project: 2 Months (25th June to 24th August) 3. 3 Objective of the study The objectives of the study are as follows: * To understand the concept and mechanism of insurance. * To have an overall view of the Recruitment Process in a leading private sector company. To get a firsthand knowledge as regards to the proper implementation of the extent Recruitment Policies in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE and its preparedness to meet the new challenges in the area of Recruitment. * To review the Human Resource Policies of ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE and compare with them Human Resource philosophy given in the literature. * To observe any legal requirement which apply to the recruitment and selection process. * To get familiar with the organization. * Getting practical experience regarding the organizational function. To learn about the policies and functions of the organization. * To understand the culture in the organization and its effect on emplo yees. * To get industrial exposure and experience. 3. 4 Type of the Research To get complete knowledge about the recruitment and selection activities information are gathered on the basis of both primary and secondary sources. PRIMARY DATA : Primary data are those which are a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in character. Primary data were collected by direct interview with the authorities and staffs and by observation and participation.SECONDARY DATA : Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data were collected from various records kept in departments, company profiles, magazines and websites. 3. 5 Sample size and Method of selecting sample SAMPLING SIZE: 100 It means how many people to survey. SAMPLING UNIT: The researcher must define the target population that will be surveyed the sampling unit for my survey is wholesalers, retailers, masons, contrac tor and consumer of Rajasthan State.SAMPLING PROCEDURE: RANDOM SAMPLING Due to the time limitation and lack of sufficient knowledge I confined my study till random sampling. 3. 6 Scope of the Study Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in the organization. Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective employees, whereas selection is a negative process because it involves rejection of unsuitable candidates. Today the scope of the recruitment is very broad. The scope of the recruitment at ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. enerally covers the following steps: – * Enhancement of productivity. * Quality manpower. * Committed job assignment. * Development of teamwork. * Better utilization of existing manpower 3. 7 Limitation of the Study The present research work is undertaken to maximize objectivity and minimize the errors. However, there are certain limitations of the study, which are to be taken in to consideration for the present research work. * The study was conducted only for the performance of Insurance advisors, Adayar branch Chennai city. It may not be suitable for other organizational employees. The advisor’s behavior may not be same in other branches in Chennai city or country, because of the difference in their performance, target, motivation, attitude, approaches with customers, culture, and working environment etc. * The research was done based on the details provided by the 70 advisors; the conclusion derived may not be wholly applicable to all branches in the city. The study is conducted with the help of the database provided by the Unit manager. * As the target population is large and due to the time constraint, convenience sampling technique was used to select the respondent. Chapter-4 FACTS AND FINDINGS Majority of the respondents believed that larger risk coverage of their policy was the main feature that attracted them to buy that policy, low prem ium was the next important feature. * ICICI Prudential is the largest private player in the insurance  industry in India. * Due to the increasing concern of people towards their health/life the life insurance  business has good prospects. * There are few short term plans which are not known to the  public. * Company has high policy charges which are not affordable by the lower middle and lower class people. * Out of total population of 1 billion of country, only 22% have insurance cover.So we can say that there is still large potential for both the public and private companies. Private companies have to give varied customized product to compete with the LIC which is holding about 97% of the total market. CHAPTER-5 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. What is the biggest benefit of life insurance? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Security| 40| 80| 2| commission| 5| 10| 3| Protection of wealth| 5| 10| 4| all| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| Analysis: Interpretation: The ab ove graph shows that the biggest benefit of life insurance is security with 80% and the next two shows the equal % that is 10% benefit ) Is there any performance incentives? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| yes| 47| 94| 2| no| 3| 6| total| | 50| 100| Analysis: Interpretation: The above graph shows the performance incentives are 100% given in the company. 3) How do you recruit employees in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| References| 3| 6| 2| Advertisements| 5| 10| 3| Consultancy| 35| 70| 4| Walk-ins| 7| 14| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The hiring process in this company is done by consultancy of 35 respondents and next is through walk-ins. ) How frequently you recruit employees? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 6 months| 5| 10| 2| 1 year| 0| 0| 3| 3 months| 5| 10| 4| Every month| 40| 80| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: In this company the employees are recruite d frequently for every month for this the respondents are 80%, after this 3 months and 6 months are 20%. 5) What is the range on scale of getting maximum ; good quality profiles? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Average| 35| 70| 2| Good | 10| 20| 3| Very good| 5| 10| 4| excellent| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100|ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows that the range of getting good quality profiles are average are 70%,and good are 20% and very good is shown by 10%. So no excellent are there. 6) Under what criteria do you consider while screening the profile? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Age | 5| 10| 2| Qualification| 7| 14| 3| Work experience| 38| 76| 4| References if any| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows while screening the profile work experience is given more importance by 76%, and next by qualification by 14%. ) What is the % of candidates who clear the aptitude test? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPON DENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 100| 0| 0| 2| 70| 10| 20| 3| 80| 35| 70| 4| 50| 5| 10| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the % of 70% of the candidates clear the aptitude test. 8) Do you normally provide training skill development to new recruits? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| yes| 42| 84| 2| no| 8| 16| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the training provided to new recruits is yes by 84% and no by 16%.So training is provided to some extent. 9) How many steps include in selection process? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 5| 7| 14| 2| 6| 0| 0| 3| 8| 0| 0| 4| 4| 43| 86| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the selection processes include mostly 4 and sometimes 5 in this it show 86% include 4 steps. 10) After selection of candidates what is the time for offer release? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Same day| 0| 0| 2| 3-5 days| 37| 74| 3| 1- 2 days| 10| 20| 4| 7 days| 3| 6| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION:The above graph shows after selection the offer letter is given to the selected candidate in 3-5 days and if the candidate is good then 1-2 days 11) What is the employment rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE in a year? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 70 | 5| 10| 2| 80| 35| 70| 3| 90| 10| 20| 4| 100| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| Analysis: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the employment rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANE is 70% in a year and 35 are accepted. 12) What is the experience required for HR position in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| | 3 years| 5| 10| 2| 4 years| 15| 30| 3| 2 years| 0| 0| 4| 5 years| 30| 60| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The experience required for HR position in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. is 5 years and accepted by 30 members. 13) What is attrition rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INS URANCE? (No. of employees leaving the company in a year) SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 50| 40| 80| 2| 60| 10| 20| 3| 80| 0| 0| 4| 30| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The attrition rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE is 50%, and accepted by 40 members. CHAPTER-6 SWOT ANALYSIS S.W. O. T Analysis of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance: Strength: * ICICI Prudential is one of the largest financial institutions of India. * Money power, which makes them ignorant about the gestation period. * Motivation factors provided by the Company. * Service quality, which is the crux of their mission. * A huge data base of corporate clients, retail customer, and bank customersof ICICI. * Highest paid up capital deposited  in IRDA, in comparison to all players. * Training provided to all people associating with ICICI Prudential. Weakness: * High targets for financial advisors and for the sales  departments. Many competitors in the market offer same product by the title difference in the premium and offerings. * Very huge premium of policies. * Problematic to advisors also. * Sustainable to risk associated with investments in money market. Opportunities: * Health insurance and pension schemes, an estimated market potential of  approximately $15 billion. * Tie up with more corporate agents all over India. And Tie up with broker  (agent) also. * Strong brand of company helps  to boost sales in market. * Attract more people of providing customer centric products. Threats: * Players like Bajaj and Birla Sun  life with low premium for the similar  plans. People are not aware of different distribution channels. * Threat from existing insurance players. * Threat from new entrants. * Changes in the policy of IRDA. CHAPTER-7 CONCLUSION Over the last few decades companies have increasingly begun to realize the importance of customer satisfaction. Where trading environments have become saturated and customers increasingly hard to come by, customer retention has become imperative as the customer-to-business level in the Indian context; the disconfirmation paradigm is still the predominant paradigm influencing the customer satisfaction process.As it is pivotal in this competitive era of globalization as every player in this banking industry is making various efforts to increase its pie share or if no increase at least maintains their market share. In relation to the primary research analysis undertook by me, inference can be portrayed that people are incline towards the LIC as they find them more reliable and they also prefer because of their long term relationship with the customer segment. So last we can say that for the insurance sector to succeed they must pay close attention to the revealed choice criteria of the customer in their decision making activity.Therefore customer relationship management programs must be designed to keep the customers intact that includes aligning product and service offerings with cust omer needs can only be achieved when sufficient knowledge of customer requirement has been captured. Thus accurately understanding the customer’s need is the most important step towards achieving customer satisfaction. CHAPTER-8 RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTON There are some recommendations: Open some more branches in semi urban and rural area: ICICI Prudential has almost its branches in urban area or  metros. So in order to increase the no. f customer, ICICI Prudential should increase the approach towards potential customers. For that it has to increase the branches in the semi urban cities like C, D grade  cities. And the rural marketing is the best option for  ICICI Prudential to increase its base in the market. Improve customer services: In order to take the advantage of being industry leader in private sector, ICICI Prudential has to improve its customer services. According to my experience in the company, a good number of customers forget to pay their premium at time so it causes a big loss to the company.ICICI Prudential has already collaborated with the ICICI bank for its Banc assurance facility and then  can include another feature in it. ICICI bank can offer a bank  account with the life insurance policy in which an ATM card will be  provided. This card will have  all the information regarding the policy as like future premium payment dates, payment made, money value of  the policy at that date, value of the unit linked plan and  all other information what the customer want. This will help the customer to pay premium on  time and save their losses.This will be mutually helpful for both sister companies, ICICI bank  will get new account and  ICICI prudential will be able to more efficient services to their customers. Bring some unit linked life insurance plans in the market. Being a market leader doesn’t ensure the leadership in the future. Since after  increment in FDI from 26% to 49%  all player will have the o pportunity to capture the market share. So in order to maintain its position ICICI Prudential should-Introduce some new market linked insurance plan, which will give a competitive advantage to the ICICI Prudential against its competitors.Trained the financial advisors more efficiently: In the changed scenario, more  efficient training will be needed, so ICICI Prudential should provide good and efficient training to their financial advisors. Because they are the one  who interact directly with the customers. So good training will give them the right way to deal  with the potential customers. Suggestions * LIC ; ICICI Prudential should work upon building good reputation of its brand as good reputation has direct effect on purchase of insurance product. LIC ; ICICI Prudential should work upon raising the awareness of the product and give more option and provide transparency so as to make selling of its product easier. * Advertising of the insurance product should stress on the ne ed of security. * Insurance should be popularized as the means of securing future rather than saving tax. * Policies should be issued quickly and with less formality. * Other services should be provided. * Reference group are the most effective medium of advertising insurance. CHAPTER-9 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What is the biggest benefit of life insurance?A) Security B) commission C) protection of wealth D) all 2. Is there any performance incentives? A) Yes B) No 3. How frequently you recruit employees? A) 6 months B) 1 Year C) 3 months D) Every month 4. How do you recruit them? A) References B) Advertisements C) Consultancy D) Walk-ins 5. What is the range on scale of getting maximum ; good quality profiles? A) Average B) Good C) Very Good D) Excellent 6. Under what criteria do you consider while screening profile? A) Age B) Qualification C) Work Experience D) References if any 7.What is the % of candidates who clear the aptitude test? A) 10% B) 20% C) 30% D) 50% 8. Do you normal ly provide training skill development to new recruits? A) Yes B) No 9. If yes do you send your employees for external training? A) Training institutes B) workshops C) seminars D) none 10. How many steps include selection steps? A) 5 B) 6 C) 8 D) 4 11. On what skill sets candidates are selected in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.? A) Qualifications B) Capabilities C) Soft skills D) All the above 12. After selection of candidates what is the time for offer release?A) Same day B) 3-5 days C) 1-2 days D) 7 days 13. How do you evaluate a candidate in his/her HR interview? A) Aptitude B) Qualification C) Communication skills D) All 14. What is the experience required for HR position in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.? A) 3 Years B) 4 Years C) 2 Years D) 5 Years 15. What is the attrition rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO? (Number of employees leaving the company in a year) A) 30% B) 40% C) 20% D) 10% 16. What are the top reasons for any improvement in attrition? Ans. 1. Ski lls Development 2. Communication 3. Promotion/Progress . Management Style 5. Work-Life Balance CHAPTER-10 BIBILOGRAPHY 1. ICFAI Human Resource Management – ICFAI University Press. 2. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management- PHI Pvt. Ltd. , 2005. 3. G. C. Beri, Marketing Research- Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 4. Udai Parrek and T. Venkateshwara Rao, Designing and Managing Human Resource system, Oxford ; IBH publishing co. Pvt. Ltd. , 2003. 5. K. Aswathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2005. * http://www. iciciprulife. com * http://www. google. com * http://www. wikipedia. com